Chapter 9: Another One

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Upon pressing the button for making noise in another part of the vent, the talking stops.

Could they have fallen for it?

Michael doesn't move, he listens as quietly as he can. It's silent except for the soft snores of Helpy. Then, suddenly, there's a scraping noise seemingly going away from the office. Michael lets out a shaky breath.

"I've been sitting too long, how much more work have I got to finish anyway?"

The last ten tasks illuminate within Michael's tired eyes. He drops his head into his hands and exhales deeply. He kept reminding himself why he was doing this, how it was all for them. All to help free them. Getting tired already, Michael? The man shoots his head up, eyes darting all around the room. There, in the dark of the vent, Michael swore he heard it. But it wasn't true, Henry had not yet found his father, not yet. So why did he feel so close? You can never escape me Michael.

"Shit, I can't stand being in here this long, I need a break."

Michael leaves the office and makes a beeline for the bathroom.
Normally, screaming kids and tired parents would be filling the room, but to Michael's surprise, it was quiet and empty. Of course, no mercy was spared to the floors and walls with bits of pizza crust scattered about. Michael didn't come in here to focus on the cleanliness of the place though, he came in here in hopes of getting some space and not be subjected to the hundreds of greasy fingered children, yelling and running about.

Leaning up against a seemingly clean wall, Michael closes his eyes. He tries his best to calm his mind; trying his best to ignore his father's voice.


"No, fuck no."

Michael turns and leans against the sink as his vision blurs at the sides.

Michael, everything I do is for your benefit. You are going to take over one day anyway.

"No, no, no, no, no this is not who I am- I'm not,"


"I'm not him!"

"...uhm, pardon sir a-are you..alright?"

The purple man snaps towards the sudden voice. It's just Max.

Michael stands frozen for a second before regaining his composure.

"Yeah..yeah I'm- I'm fine, what are you doing in here, I don't remember hiring you as janitor?"

"I'm..doing my rounds sir, making sure no kids are trying to hide out in the bathrooms?"

Michael nods.

"Are you sure you're okay Mr-"



"Please call me Michael,"

Max studies the strangely purple man, yet does not question him. "Michael," as he had been told to call the man, had a look of nothingness in his eyes. There seemed to be something that he was dealing with, something that seemed important. Maybe he struggled with a serious medical condition that made his skin so unusual. Max wanted to know. About to speak again, he is cut off by Michael who declares that he will be going back to work.

Now alone, Max's mind begins to wander: "He didn't have on his usual bear mask, just the surgical one he normally wore, and he kept looking behind him...but there was nothing behind him."

Unknown to the other, Max had seen Michael shuffle into the bathroom looking distraught.

"Could he be-

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