Chapter 11: Not A Day Off?

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TW: Michael starts dissociating, it's not mentioned, but it's hinted at by his not really having a genuine reaction to reality.

Michael's eyes slowly crack open. Not completely all there, he just stays still on the floor, staring up at the ceiling. A flash of white and purple goes by, yet the man still doesn't move. "How long have I been out?"

The words come out rough and horse.

"8 hours."

Michael takes mental note of the response as he moves to get up. His back felt stiff, yet somehow loose at the same time. Looking down he saw that the long scar across his stomach seemed to be loosening. Michael sighs, choosing to lean upon the bathroom sink as he looks into the mirror. He wasn't really looking at himself, it was more like...he was looking at what was left of him. Tired purple eyes, white hair, rotted rough looking skin-

"The perfect look for a working man."

Helpy looks concerningly at Michael.

"Henry said-"

"I've got work to do, now's not the time for me to be slacking off Helpy,"

He walks out of the bathroom, entering his room. Helpy follows.

"But you're not in any working condition to be working at this moment!"

"I can't let the little things like yesterday get to me, I'm not a kid anymore."

"Adults can take breaks too,"

"Henry wants me to put in my all, then I'll give him my all."

"But you're not-

"Helpy," Michael turns around looking hard at the little bear. "I appreciate the concern, but I have...wrongs to right. I don't have time for a break. I'm sure whatever pity Henry was sparing me last night has faded away by now. He wants to finish this just as badly as I do...that's why he.."

Michael sighs.

"That's why I can't let him down...not again."

Helpy says nothing more as Michael continues to collect clean clothes to change into. Instead, the little bear walks out of the room.


Walking down the street, Michael stares at the ground. Rocks, leaves, trash, rocks again. A twig snapping to his right makes Michael turn and look into the woods. There's faint laughter of children playing and for a second, Michael swears he sees his siblings and friends all playing together. His eyes light up and he begins to reach out. Then, the wind, that seemed to not exist until then, picked up, causing Michael to turn and shield his face from all the dirt and dust flying about. Upon turning back, Michael's eyes settle on a deer staring at him before trotting off.

He tried to peer deeper into the forest, hoping to see them again. He knew he was just imagining it, but even then being able to imagine that...God Micheal would give it all to live as if it was true. To go laughing and playing, and-

Michael's face becomes blank again as he continues on mindlessly walking. Now was not the time for breaks. There is never going to be a time where Michaeal can break.

It's all his fault anyway.

Michael keeps walking, even as he finally approaches the restaurant, he continues on as if on autopilot.

"Alright, now let's have another successful day, right crew?"


"Good, good- Michael?"

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