Chapter 13: A Loser

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“I’m calling Henry.”

“Don’t, damn it, just- ah crap.”

Michael was currently laying on the bathroom floor, twitching in pain. Helpy had found him not too long ago and had froze in place for a hot second before stating that he was calling Henry.

“H-helpy, please just-”

“He’s on his way, now what in the world did you do!”

“I cut a wire,”

“Well no shit, I can see that.”

“Why’d you ask- AH- then?”

“Quit talkin’ so much, I don’t know how you work, you could blow a fuse if you keep on this way,”

“I’m not a freakin’ robot-”

“With insides like these you might be better off with accepting that your humanity was practically stripped from you.”

Michael groans in pain. His head seemed to be spinning- everything, actually, seemed to be spinning. 

“Why is this happening?”

“Because you cut yourself open dummy, did your brain get scooped out too?”

The two waited in the bathroom for a good while before the doorbell rang. Helpy jumped up to go answer the door, leaving Michael alone. The floor was cold, but Michael was colder. He tried his best to listen to the voices downstairs, but the more he tried, the more tired he got. It was a little funny to Michael how he was losing energy cutting after cutting a wire. Was this his new way of bleeding? How generous of God. Michael thought about the comment Helpy made.

“With insides like these you might be better off with accepting that your humanity was practically stripped from you.” 

It was…a rude statement, not far off from the truth though. Michael hardly had humanity left in him. The remnants of what remained were just him clinging onto what he could, for the sake of revenge. 

"Jesus Michael, what did you do?"


"Nothing my ass!"

Henry runs a hand through the wires causing the young man to flinch. 

"Mr.Emily is everything okay?" Max yells up the stairs.


"You brought Max here, ow fuckkkkk me,"

"Well, Max did let me in on what happened yesterday, I only found it proper that we come have a talk."

Michael clenches his teeth as Henry digs further into his messy wiring. The older man barely even flinches when sparks sting his skin.

"God I didn't think that this is what you meant by you had gone to hell and back, did you see your father there?"

Michael shoots Henry a hard glare.

"Thought I'd try to lighten the mood…"

"You sure y'all don't need any help in there?"

"Yep…all good-" Henry tugs at a thick wire harshly. "In here-"

Michael lets out a painful scream. Suddenly, his wires wrap around Henry's neck, choking him out. Heavy footsteps make their way quickly up the stairs.

"Mr.Emily, Mr.Afton, what's going on-"

Michael's wires lunge Henry at the door, effectively slamming it in Max's face before he can peek in.
The room seemed to boil with every move Michael made, he was practically starting to sweat!

"Mic-hael, Mike-"

Henry tries prying his fingers under the metal and wire that was up against his windpipe. He makes solid eye contact with the purple man. Michael’s breathing is strained yet heavy. He can feel himself getting light headed from the pain.


Michael collapses onto the floor, his wires falling slack from Henry’s neck.
The older man coughs harshly before crawling towards Michael. 

“You…you should leave.”

“Are you crazy? After doing this to yourself- you want me to leave?”

“YES- what, you think you can fix me? You can’t!”
Henry stares blankly at Michael.


“I’m not your son!”

“Michael, look at me!”

The younger man sucks his teeth before glaring up at the older man.

“Look, I’m sorry. We got off on the wrong foot-”

“You think! YOU THINK- NO, no, I’m not going to talk with you while he’s here-”

“I can leave,”

“Shut up Max!”

“Michael please, that is not necessary,”

“Will you quit acting like you never left me on my own and then come back and start treating me like dog shit!”

“I’ll…be outside,”

Footsteps are heard descending down the stairs before a door gently shuts. Michael huffs, eyes falling back to the bathroom floor. He feels the weight of his body bringing him down every second he stays still. 

“Please Uncle…I know you’ve been through a lot- I have too….just, have some sympathy for me,” Michael presses his head to the floor, it somehow feels warmer than him.

“You are all I’ve got.”

Henry stares at Michael’s tired figure pressing into the floor. His wires crackled weakly as they slowly retracted to his body, coiling around his middle. Henry’s expression softens and he lets out a tired sigh.

“You look so much like your father still I just- I’m sorry Michael.”

Michael shuts his eyes. Henry opens and closes his mouth several times before opting not to speak. Instead, he places a hand on the younger man’s shoulder.
Michael doesn't move, he doesn't speak. There's just a moment of silence between the two men.

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⏰ Last updated: May 10, 2023 ⏰

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