Chapter 10: Memories of the Past

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TW: Talk about blood, and Michael has a heavy PTSD scene when he wakes up after getting home (I think it's like in the middle of this chapter and lasts till the end.) Please be mindful when reading that scene :TW

"L-Let's play!"

Another metal tentacle is flung wildly towards Michael, who dodges it, and stumbles towards some random boxes at the back of the room. Michael presses the button on the taser again, pointing it towards Molten. Once again the robot glitches out, cackling through its static voice box.

"Ah ah ah, shouldn't we be p-playing fair?"

Molten slithers towards Michael slowly, eyeing him with a dangerous glint.

"You get all the fun with that thing, I think it's time you gave me a turn."

The wires within Michael tense in an uncomfortable manner. If his dick still worked, he'd just about piss himself in the moment.

Molten lunges multiple tentacles forwards, leaving the other barely any room to slip away.

"O-oh birthday boy~"

Michael backs up against the cold wall, searching for an escape from Molten.

"I'm not really one for complete small talk and games with strangers."

"S-strangers? HAHAHAHAHAHHAHA, y-you're funny. I'd n-never forget a fa-face like yours. Especially n-not after, letting us use y-your suit."

Michael grimaces slightly as the thoughts flash through his mind. Molten crawls towards the purple man eagerly, he seemed to really have one set purpose- One that Michael was definitely not going to stay and find out. Using the taser once more, Michael doesn't hesitate to slip by Molten's twitching figure, bolting towards the door. He may be purple, but that didn't stop him from turning into sonic.

With a loud slam of the heavy metal door being shut, Michael fumbles with the keys before choosing one in a blind panic and shoving it in the lock. Fortunately, he had the right key, and the door was locked. A solid pounding could be heard on the door along with scratching and static laughter.

"Oh birthday boy~ You can't run forever!"

Michael says nothing before spinning around and speed walking to the front doors.

"Well that was quick- woah, hey, what's the rush?"

"It's been a long day Henry, I'd appreciate a silent drive home."

Michael makes his way towards the car, the older man in tow.

As fate would have it, the drive home for Michael was not, in fact, silent. Far from it actually; all because of a single little bear blabbing away like silence was never even a thing.

"And could you believe it, a bunch of kids kept laughing at me for missing the ball pit- Like hey! It's not my fault that the pit isn't accurately placed close enough to the diving board! Michael, I think that's something you should work on."

Michael side eyes Helpy before fully turning to look at him.

"Maybe when you start bringing money in for me, I'll start appealing to your demands."

Helpy frowns, but says nothing as Michael faces his window once again.

"Silent drive home applies to you too, so quit being smart with me."

"Alright princess, no need to get so flustered. We're still just getting started,"

"We? Just getting started? No, no, no Henry, you're just getting started! Quit shitting on me, okay? I've got things to deal with too."

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