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As Takemichi walk by a park he heard some people, no a guys, hearing its tone deep and harsh he could figure.
Walking more till he was near the park, he saw someone so familiar to him, and 3 guys he doesn't know he listened to the situation, which is not so delightful.
Two man cornering someone younger than them, threats and so for him to give them his money, yet doesn't listened to the word "I don't have any".
The logical thing to do? In the corner of his eyes near a trash bin he saw a perfectly still glass bottle.
Smash it and stab them.
Takemichi shook his head by the thought thinking it was too harsh, but then took one by the head, he went to one of them then roughly kick his back from the force came tumbling forward about to protest looking behind when takemichi brought the bottle up and smash its end to the solid post getting all of the people to look at him first then to what he was holding.
Could... You all shut the fuck up? I'm not the in the mood right now, so? Go or..
Takemichi slowly phrase then harshly pointed the broken glass at the 2 guy glaring at them as he continues, dragging his sentence at the end and stopped yet the 3 understanding his words scrambled away and go, leaving a Takemichi holding a broken glass in one and the other was a bag and the other one whose being cornered earlier still looking at Takemichi.

Takemichi put the broken glass away and walk closer to the boy.
Why are you still out this late,Nao?
Takemichi although looking blankly he sound so soft and gentle. Like he always do to him.
Ahh i- I was taken a bit long with extra duties..
Naoto answered looking down, answering honestly.
.. Em, I'll walk you, I'm also going at your house anyway. Your sister called me over.
Takemichi hum and said also explaining. Which Naoto nodded at.

Takemichi with Naoto arriving at the Tachibana's house ringing the doorbell and waited. Straighten up when the a click was heard, and the Head of the family opens for them.

Good evening,Masato-san .
Takemichi giving a bow of respect to the man
I'm back, Dad.
Naoto greeted
Come in, we're waiting for you two.
The man move to the side and let the two in, Takemichi took his shoes off along with Naoto.

Hello, Auntie, where's Hina?
Takemichi greeted asking seeing the woman with almost dark brown hair cooking at the kitchen
Oh, welcome dear. She's still in her room.
Turning around and seeing Takemichi she immediately brighten and welcomed him, then answered
Oh yeah, here.
Takemichi as he extended the bag he was holding
Hm~ whaa, did you cook this? This look delicious!!
Hinata's mom exclaimed as she took a look inside the scent of the food was tickling her nostrils
Haha, I did hope you like it.
Takemichi give light chuckle
Did you eat already?
Asking she put the bag down
No, I didn't, I delivered that first then I'll go to Hina cause she actually the one I'm here for.
Takemichi explain
Haha, do stay for dinner!
As she get back in front of the stove
Oh well I'll go to Hina's room first.
Takemichi as he excuse himself start going to the other room when given permission.
She said as she taste her own dish,

Hinata's POV

I was just doing my homework as I was waiting for Takemichi to text me, I miss him already, as a sigh escape my lips when a knock was without giving much thought I answered
It came out a bit harsh I guess

The door burst open but isn't hard that it'll create a sound but for it to be wide open, as a blond boy cheerfully exclaimed with excitement.

T- Takemichi-kun!? What are you doing here?
I almost stood up from shock as I asked

didn't you say you missed me?..
Takemichi became sullen from my tone and question, it came to him as if I were shooing him away.
I, I thought we were going to talk through phone! I didn't mean for you to come

I explain as I was starting to flush from the thoughts of Takemichi coming to my house just because I told him I missed him.

.. Oh, we could.. Want me to go home??
Takemichi became more sullen, like a kicked puppy after my sentence, as he asked.

No! I mean no, you're already here so stay, I'm sure mom already let you stay.
Thats when I stood up exclaimed then calmly sat once again as I continues

Um yeh auntie said I can stay for dinner!
Takemichi nodding his head as he happily exclaimed

Why not stay for the night
I thought didn't know was muttering out loud

Hm? I would if you want me to,
Takemichi who heard me, tilt his head to the side and said

I-... I want.
I said blushing
Gosh that was embarrassing!
I thought but stopped when


Takemichi agreeing to me smile brightly, something only me..and a few privilege people get to see.

Really, he's really different, he's cold in the public mostly but he's very much a softie toward me.. Us.
I want to be selfish for once and take him to myself yet.. I know for a fact he isn't one to be caged, just for his happiness and love I'm willing to share him.
That is if they can prove they are worthy enough to stand beside him, to provide and make him happy then so be it.

My my~ seems like Hina-chan have thoughts already~

Oh well, how would this turn out hm~?

If she figure there's not only few but more people falling for our Hero

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