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Takemichi couldn't help but curse at people, he just encounter one gang after another, sure its fun but this isn't his type of fun.
Yes, he had been a delinquent in the past for various reasons and he still get to fights time to time but that doesn't mean he made it into his career to get into fight on daily basis.

He had been there, getting into gangs, fighting with various people, places, and ways, he experience it first hand and hell did he quit as his reputation was soaring high.
He wanted change, peace to call, he was tired that every corner he go there would be guys that challenge him and his patience all together.

So when he was invited by Mikey he immediately decline even if he were to be brother of his friend he can't just hastily break his new life.

And of course the little thwart didn't stop so easily.

And he just found himself getting too involved into the gangster world once again whether he wants to or not.

Because of that his time with his other friends "civilian" one got lessen that he couldn't help get irritated being with this delinquents that cause that.

What's more is that they seems to become too attached to him when they shouldn't be, even those that 'supposedly' his enemy and rival.


Takemichi with Toman was chilling as they were having a meeting when suddenly his phone rang, obviously he answer it as the ringtone indicate it his special someone.

Yeah babe?

Now? Yea yea im free ill be there, wait for a sec. Luv u.

He has his attention entirely to the caller as he seems to not feel the stares he got from others, nodding even tho he was on a phone he took his things and stood up right after the call ended and began walking off the place without even saying good-

Guys i need to go.
As he turn to them when he was near the stairs he gave them a small quick grin
Bye Takemichy!!, Take care., em, ...
They all said their farewells to him in their own way
Nodding off he goes.

Seeing him off he didn't see how they stare at his back and the emotions that swell behind their eyes after the call and ... How he just left without second thought.


Takemichi arrive a the said location Hinata gave him, apperantly she and Emma miss him and well want to hang out now they were infront of his house but he wasn't there.

Usually Takemichi would be at his house at day off or be with them or mizu group to hang out but.. Lately they haven't been hanging out as he been... Busy.

So today he would be theirs.

Babe, bae I'm here. Let's go in? Or do you guys want to go somewhere else?
Just Takemichi arrive he immediately went toward the two of them while smiling softly, asking as he took a hold of their hand as he look at them.

The two look at each other then back at Takemichi who waited patiently for answer.

Let's hangout inside!
Both answer at the same time as they smile widely clenching the hand that hold them.

We're getting greedy of you.

Love us too.

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