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Baji look ahead of him, the raven head he just punch is now looking at him with a daring eyes that challenge him yet also made him back away.

But a small "ping" was heard and Takemichi took out his phone and see it then put it back to his pocket.

Just kidding, although I'm kinda mad that you damage my face, but since it's just a small I'll let it go.
Takemichi lightly giggles and motion with his hands that he was just joking, giving a small tap to his cheek then give a small smile,
Mikey, minna I have to go, Chifu see you another day.
Takemichi made his way toward Chifuya once again and give him a warm hug
Just so you know, I don't forget.
The raven then turn to the guy besides his friend and give him a light tap with a very welcoming expression on his face as he close their distance and whisper just beside his ear that only he could hear but everyone could visibly know what he just said was no joke.

After that Takemichi left with a wave and immediately walk away.

With Takemichi 1st POV.

Takemichi hurried to one of his girlfriends to know what they want, to his main one aka his babe.

Hinata babe,

He called out as he was near them

Takemichi-kun! Finally you arrived,
Hinata greeted him as usual enthusiasm

Well, you could have informed me before hand so I could have drove you here.
Takemichi as he saw her,also noticing someone he knew at her back giving her a smile aswell

Ah well, it was kinda unexpected to see a Emma here so I thought why not invite you as well... Were you busy?
Hinata as she smile yet it seems like there's something that caught her sight as she was eyeing him and drag her sentence at last, it making him nervous

Of course not, hey bae how were you?

Takemichi deliberately set his attention to the other girl that is present

Fine, I heard just now you were with the guys? You know my brother and his gang.
Emma smiling at him as she answer

Yeah, I was.

Takemichi nod, 'crap they notice already don't they' at the back of his head

Is it where this, came from.
Hinata asked as she lightly tap the bruised cheek of his that he kinda forgot on the way, her touch were soft but her tone wasn't as kind as usual showing how definite she is

Calm down babes it's just a small bruise so let it be, cmon I'll take you two around, k
As he tried to appease his girlfriend's temper from going cray cray,they could get quite protective over him at times, he would certainly not want to see them go nuts.

Was it my brother who did that?

Emma as she went toward him and inspect the bruise up close, as she asked

No,no,it wasn't Mikey ..let just get going, alright
Takemichi hurriedly appease the other as well, her temper aren't much different to the other so it made him even more anxious.

Alright then!
Emma and Hinata give each other a glance and nod,then gave the only male a bright usual smile and tug on each of his arm as they drag him around,making him sigh a breath.

Takemichi assist the two with everything I meant every single thing from choosing to carrying, paying then helping with their trouble.
Let just said more less that the two was appease very much of their want.

They then go home by Takemichi's car which he walk first before going to the mall. They first drop Emma off then Hinata he then go home and treated himself, Baji should be more thankful the swell didn't form much.

I maybe writing takemichi Harem but my heart still belong to Hinata Shoyo(°◡°♡).

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