Chapter 26

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"Miss. Clark," a doctor came into the room after two knocks, "we're here to clean everything up and help you move out."

"Today?!" I squealed. "I'm leaving today??"

"Yes ma'am, you are." My doctor chuckled. "Harry," I heard Harry stand up and walk over to the desk where the doctor was , "will you be living with her?"

"Oh, uh.. We haven't thought that far ahead yet.." Harry admitted.

"Okay, I'll just give these to you." I heard the medicine in their bottles clank around. "You know the routine."

"Yes ma'am." Harry spoke lowly.

"Promise, be safe out there."

"I will." I promised her.

"Come on, Promise." Harry helped me walk. "Let's go home."

Home. Home sounded so foreign. Home is were the heart is but there's no hearts anymore. It's just four walls and a roof. My family left me and now I am alone in the home I used to crave going back to.

"Harry," I said quietly so only he could hear, "I don't have a home."

"You have me, Promise." I could feel Harry's smile.

Harry lead me to the bathroom and he changed me into normal cloths instead of the hospital gown I was wearing. Before we left, I sat on the bathroom floor and felt my arms and face to get an image of it.

I could feel old stitches healing on my cheeks. A huge cut was above my eyes and even though it was healing, it was a reminder for everyone to see.

"Am I ugly, Harry?"

"Ugly and you should never be used in the same sentence." He half joked. "Okay." He sat down, on the bathroom floor in front of me and started at me. "This," he put his forefinger on my scar, "does not define you or change the way anyone will think of you. Your personality shines through this wound. No matter what happens Promise, you will never be ugly. Not to me at least. This scar will heal."

He put his hand on my left cheek and kissed my forehead. My heart raced as he did so. He put our foreheads together as we sat in the silent bathroom. Harry intertwined our fingers and I could feel him looking in my eyes. He traced my left cheek with his thumb and hummed.

"I love you, Promise."

My heart beat quickened and I began to sweat. Love? Does he know what love is?

"Love, as in in love or just love?" I felt like a little kid asking Harry.

"I'm in love with you. I love everything about you Promise. You're so beautiful in every way. I never want to leave you."

"Don't then. Stay with me, forever." I was not ready to say I loved him back because I didn't know exactly what love was.

"Let's go home now." He picked me up and carried me out of the bathroom. His broad shoulders made mine look tiny. Harry placed me on my feet once we were in the hall way and he laced his fingers in mine.

While Harry lead me to the car, I realized how much I trusted him. I felt safe with him.

"Ma'am!!" A woman yelled. I kept walking, not knowing she called for me.

"Promise," Harry tugged my hand to stop. "She's calling you."

"Ma'am," the woman's voice was closer, "May I ask you a few questions? I'm a reporter for the newspaper."

"Uh... Okay?" It sounded more like a question than anything.

"What's it like, living in a world you cannot see?" She turned on a recorder and waited.

"I have my good days and my bad, just like any other person living in this world. There are many difficulties, but you grow stronger because of them. I can't see the world through my eyes, but I see it through my heart." I answered, knowing my words would end up in a newspaper.

"How do you feel about the quote 'love is blind'?"

"Well, if love is blind, then maybe a blind person that loves has a greater understanding of it."

"Do you understand that your life will never be the same, that you won't be able to see again?"

"Yes ma'am, I do understand."

"How do you feel about that?"

"I guess we'll have to see as life goes on."

I heard a switch go off. "Thank you."

"You're welcome." I smiled.

"Come this way," Harry tugged my hand and helped me into the passenger seat. After he buckled the seat belt he slammed the door.

"Where am I going to go, Harry?" I asked once he started the engine.

"I don't know," he thought. "You can't live by yourself and I don't have my own home, can you stay with Theo?"

"Yeah, I'll try." I took my phone out and handed it to Harry so he could dial her number. Once he handed it back the phone was ringing.

"Are you okay?" Theo's voice rang through the phone.

"Yeah, yeah I'm fine. I just need a place to stay.. My parents completely disappeared and I don't know what to do anymore."

"You're more than welcome to stay here Promise. Lucy is out of town so you can use her room for a bit." Lucy was Theo's 16 year old sister.

"Thanks Theo, I'll be there in a bit." I hung up the phone and felt around for Harry's hand.

"Actually," Harry whispered under his breath.

The car turned around and we started going the opposite direction.

"Where are we going?" I asked.

"You'll see." Even though I couldn't see, I knew that smirk was plastered on his face.


hey guys

I'm so sorry it took me so long to update but I've been really busy

hope you like it!!!

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