Chapter 10

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The boys. First thought in my head when I woke up. I had just met them yesterday, and they were already invading my thoughts. Louis. Niall. Liam. Zayn. Harry. I wondered what happened after Theo and I left.

I looked around my room, smiling. My head was hurting a little, but that was normal because of the loud music. My heavy bed comforter sat on top of me.

I looked over at my clock. 8:00am. It was Sunday morning, and I knew that it was going to be a good day, not for any particular reason, just because. My phone buzzed, and I reached over to uncharge it from my night stand.

Harry: good morning Promise. Just wondering if you might want to do something today with the boys and I?

I became nervous. I had just met the boys last night, I didn't know what they all were really like.

Me: I would love to. Is it alright if Theo comes?

Harry: Yep! Louis was planing on brining her anyway.

Me: okay! What time and where?

Harry: Zayn's house. And you may come any time you please :)

I got out of bed flicking the covers off me. Making my way down the hall, I stopped at my parents door and opened it slightly, checking if they were awake. To my surprise they were, and I walked down stairs.

The sound of my mum and dad talking was coming from the kitchen.

"Good morning Promise," my father said with a smile. He was seated at the table eating his breakfast.

"'Mornin." I paused, taking out a cereal box and a bowl. "I'm going out again today, if that's alright." I normally don't ask for permission, but I thought I would this time.

"Yea, that works perfectly. Your mum and I are going out to run errands." He spoke. "We'll be out all day so you'll have to let yourself in and out of the house, but I know you can do that." He paused. "How was the party?" The question I'd been waiting to hear.

"Great!" My moms eyebrows raised in amusement. "I made a lot of friends and they're really nice."

"Really? What are their names?" I paused not know what there reaction would be when I started rattling off boys names.

"Harry, Niall, Zayn, and Liam. They're friends of Lou and Theo." I tried making it sound like Theo already knew them before.

"That's nice, I'm guessing those are the people you are going out with today?" My father raised an eyebrow at his question.

"Yea, and Theo." I got up, put my bowl in the sink, and went back to my room. I don't know how my dad took it. He's pretty protective of my mum and I, which is cool, just not great all the time.

I hopped in the shower letting all my uncertainties flow down the drain. Once I was finished, I took a towel and rapped it around my body. The cool air of my room made me shiver and goosebumps form. When I got dressed, in jeans and a t-shirt, I pulled my phone out of my pocket.

Harry: do you want me to come pick you up when you're ready? Xx

I paused before typing. If I drive myself and end up not liking hanging out with them, I can leave when I please. If Harry drives me, I have to leave when he wants.

"Let the hot boy drive you!!" My thoughts told me.

Me: sure! Thanks:)

I texted my address to him and 10 minutes later he showed up at my door knocking.

"Mum! Dad! I'm leaving now!! Have fun running errands." I yelled to them from the front of the house.

"Hello Harry." I said to the boy in front of me. I never realized his body size. He was very tall, broad, and muscular.

"Hello Promise." He smirked showing a dimple on his right cheek. "Ready to go?"

"Yep!" I said as we both made our way to his car.

"Harry..." I said looking at him. He was a very concentrated driver.


"You know that man you warned me about?" He nodded. "Well, last night when I went to get something to drink with Niall, I saw him. He never took his eyes off of me."

He shifted in his seat.

"Did he say anything?" He asked, more serious.

"No. He just sat at the bar, a couple seats down from me."

"Alright. Just be careful okay?" He pulled up to Zayn's house and looked at me. I nodded and we both got out.

"Ah! Harry!" Liam called after him as we both entered the house. "Oh," he said surprised, a bit uncomfortable. "Hey Promise, nice to see you." He stiffened up a bit.

"Relax man. She's alright." He smiled at me again. "Would you like something to drink?"

"Uh, sure." I felt a little uncomfortable since Theo wasn't here. "Waters fine." He took out a glass and filled it with tap.

"Heyyyyy! The partay is here!" Louis's voice echoed in the house.

"Lou, shut up. They can all hear just fine." Theo scolded as they walked into the kitchen. A wave of relief washed over me.

"Where is every one?" She asked.

"They're upstairs, coming back shortly." Liam answered from the living room.

Niall was the first to come downstairs. "Hey guys. Ladies." He smirked at Theo who blushed like crazy. They started having a conversation about last night. Her smile was a lot bigger when he was around.

"Had fun last night?" Louis came and sat next to me at the kitchen island which served as the bar at the party

"Yea, it was awesome!" He chuckled at my response.

Zayn walked into the kitchen. I noticed that he wasn't as bad as I thought he was, he was almost shy. At school, he's a bad boy, no one messes with him. But here, it's different. He's comfortable around the rest of the guys, that's obvious, but he was a little shy when he saw Theo and I.

"Hi Zayn." I said.

He nodded in response.

We all moved to the living room, and sat on the chairs and couches. Liam and Louis sat on a smaller couch while Niall, Theo, and Zayn sat on the main couch in the middle of the room. Harry and I sat on another sofa similar to the one Liam and Louis were on.

We picked the movie The Princess Bride, Theo's favorite. I was watching intently, not knowing my surroundings. A small laugh from Harry reeled me back into reality.

I looked at him confused. "What?"

"Oh, nothing." He smiled and got comfortable on the couch.

"Why did you laugh?" I smiled out of curiosity.

"You're so into it, the movie." His smile never faded.

"Shut up," I said laughing.

"As you wish." Wesley, the farm boy said to Buttercup.

"As you wish." He whispered making my heart race. In the movie, when Wesley said 'as you wish' he meant, I will do anything for you, I love you. I looked at Harry, who knew exactly what it meant.


you need to see The Princess Bride if you haven't. It's so good. It would help you understand the 'as you wish' quote a little better. If you don't want to see it, it's fine, you'll get the meaning of it :)

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