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March 22, 2015

5:00 AM

Olivia Coleman

The alarm caused me to jolt awake instantly, thus I woke up Matthew also. When I jolted and he woke up, his arms that were around me tightened and he pulled me close, as if he were protecting me. He eventually realized that there was no one there and it was just time for us to wake up. 

"God, you scared me so much." Matthew whispered and loosened his arms. I groaned and squirmed out of his grip, standing up and stretching, which felt like heaven. I wonder how Matthew felt, though. He must have had a hard time with me sitting on his lap the whole night. 

"Are we going to start walking?" I questioned sleepily as I rubbed my eyes. When I removed my hands from my eyes, I saw that Matthew was standing up from the ground with no trouble – so that means me sitting on his lap didn't really affect him (thank goodness). 

"Yeah." Matthew said, his voice still slightly quiet and raspy because of his morning voice. He stretched, which caused his t-shirt to lift up a tiny bit, revealing a part of his stomach. Once he was done stretching, he smiled at me and held my chin with his hand, and he lifted my chin up slightly. He pressed his lips against mine briefly before pulling away. "Good morning, Olivia." 

I smiled. "Morning." 

Matthew looked around the slightly lit warehouse before picking up the backpack from the ground and opening it. He took out two bottles of water and two snacks, handing me one snack and bottled water, in which he opened for me. The both of us ate silently while leaning our backs against the wall.

"Okay," Matthew said and pushed himself off of the wall and went in front of me when he was done eating his 'breakfast' and took a sip of his water. I was done eating, as well. "I have to use the washroom, so you just stay here. And, uh, be safe...okay?" he looked me straight in the eyes, worry in them. 

"I'll be fine. Just go pee." I tell him jokingly. He chuckles and pecks my lips one more time before hurrying to the washroom. When he was finished, I went to the washroom, and the both of us got ready to continue our journey.

I wondered, what is there to expect when we reach the destination where the kidnappers held Lauren and Cameron? I knew it wouldn't be a safe place to be (obviously), so what even happened to them? Are they even alive? 

"Olivia?" Matthew snapped me out of my thoughts. 


"You ready to go?" he asked, and I nodded, forcing a smile. 

"Very ready." Matthew nodded and kneeled on the ground and opened the backpack again, pulling out the handgun he put in there last night. He tucked the handgun in the waistband of his pants. Before he closed the backpack, he stopped and looked hesitate to do something. He sighed, digging into the backpack again and pulling out the other handgun. "Hey, Olivia..."


Matthew turned to me and held out the handgun. I furrowed my eyebrows and my heart beat fast, just by having a gun in front of me. "Take it." he told me. 

"What? Why?!" 

"Olivia, we're going to be going somewhere dangerous, and I don't want you to get harmed. Take the gun and tuck it where I tucked it." Matthew commanded sternly. I sighed in total defeat and slowly took the gun from Matthew's hand. It was heavy, but it wasn't very heavy. 

I scanned the object. "I don't know how to actually use a gun, Matthew. When I shot Blake last night, that was just luck, and the adrenaline in me." I remind him, looking back at Matthew again. He zipped the backpack closed and stood up, putting the backpack on his back. 

"I'll teach you, then." Matthew assured me and he walked behind me and stayed close – so close, that his front was touching my back. He guided me to lift my hand up in the air, and he positioned my hand until I was holding the gun correctly. "So, that's how you hold it...and this is how you make it active," Matthew cocked the gun so that it was active, and then he turned me so that I was pointing towards a wall on the other side of the warehouse. "Now, you just aim to where you want to shoot and press the trigger." 

"Wait...should I shoot now?" I asked Matthew, my heart beating faster. He mumbled 'mhm' and rested his chin on top of my head as his arms wrapped around my waist. 

"Try shooting at that light switch. It's broken anyways." Matthew instructed me, the movement of his chin tickling the top of my head. I breathed in and out slowly and aimed the gun at the light switch (assumed that the bullet would hit at that spot) and hovered my finger on the trigger. "Shoot, baby." 

The nickname made me smile, but I quickly went back to what I was doing, and pressed the trigger of the gun, causing a tiny force towards me, though it wasn't strong enough to push me back. It was the same force I felt when I shot Blake last night. 

A bang radiated throughout the warehouse, and the bullet landed on the corner of the light switch box. Matthew chuckled and pulled away as I turned back to him. "That's actually really good, for a beginner." he complimented and I grinned, tucking the gun into the waistband of my leggings. 

"Okay...let's go?" Matthew asked and grabbed my hand, intertwining them with his. 

"Let's go." 


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