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Evolution the word of change and creating something new,
We once were ignorant Homo-sapiens
Living on the drive to survive.
Knowing nothing but how to eat, to walk and to reproduce.
We banged our heads against walls to get a feel of what they were
We knew nothing, nothing of life and it's meaning.

Then we evolved into these intelligent beings.
We know words, we know math, we know science.
We know how to create but not only that; we know how to destroy and manipulate.

Evolution took place, it made us change in every way that can be imagined, yet one thing did not change.
Our drive to survive.
We think of our selves as intelligent beings,
Yes we are intelligent in some areas but we are as ignorant as the beings before.
We only try to survive because of that drive.
We are ignorant to life and it's meaning.
We create to destroy, filling those selfish wishes

Find the meaning to life, that is what we claim we are doing.
We do everything in our power to get to the top,
Whether it is cheating and lying, or killing. We want to be known,
We want the power to rule.
We were taught from first born that only the fittest can survive.
Is that what we are doing with these wars?
Knocking out all the weak so that we are the strongest.
Destroying all these cultures because we see them as senseless and infallible.
But does that make our culture significant and impregnable?
Because we THINK we know the meaning of life; which is to survive.
But what really is surviving?
Having all the power in the world, having only your culture/ your religion being expressed worldwide.
But is that really surviving?
Let's say this is surviving, you've made it to the top, now what?
What is there that is left?
The world has been conquered, all this power is in your hands.
What is there left to do?
There is no more need for wars because your culture is at the top, the only thing that is left in existence.
What happens when you finally pass? Would you really consider that you survived?
One thing came by and wiped you off the face of the earth, so were you truly unassailable?
When you are gone will you be remembered?
If so are you remembered as this great powerful being or this horrible, decrepit thing.
Will your culture, your religion also be wiped out because of one being that you believe was insignificant just like the head cold that ended you?

The meaning of life, is seen as surviving,
If surviving means taking away lives, taking away other cultures, other religions, I don't think that that is the meaning to life.
Because how can we survive if something so small seen so worthless, so insignificant take away so much.
Taking isn't surviving.

Surviving is creating, creating things that will live on to next generations.
It is saving the things that are seen as worthless, and insignificant because those things will one day mean everything.
This is called evolution the process of changing and creating something new.

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