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Scares tattooed on her heart, hidden by the lies that roll off her lips.
She fakes a smile, trying to get through another day.
Hoping that one day it will end,
The evil words that whisper in her ear telling her that she not good enough
Shes not pretty enough, she's not skinny enough.

He walks down the halls, recognized as the out cast.
Thrusts into lockers, pinned against walls.
He takes the beatings, he takes the name calling,
Desiring to be like the others, wanting to fit in with society,

Us as a group as the people of the world,
Complain about all these high standards that are impossible to meet,
Complaining about the bulling just because one is different.
We claim that everyone is equal everyone is pretty in there own way.
Yet we let this thing called "society" beat them down,
Telling them that they are outcasts even though we say they aren't.

This does not make sense
How can we say one thing and let "society" say another?
The thing we call society is something we invented.
Society is a man made invention. Yet we speak of society like it is another being, something that cannot be controlled.
But we made this being. So why not change it?
We talk about how much we want society to be different
How we wish all these expectations would disappear, to disintegrate into thin air.

Why do we just sit back and look upon that shooting star wishing?
Why do we do nothing when we see the kid across from us being teased for how he looks?
It's as if a sin if we speak out for what's right, so we stay silent and pretend it's not happening.
Because if we speak against it we are punished
We are treated like outcasts
And yet we act as if society is a God.

We let things get by so we will fit in, so we will be invisible.
Knowing that if you stand out in a crowd you are different,
but not in the way society wants
All of us are the same, searching for a way to get around society,
And be ourselves without the hate
Without slowly being destroyed every passing day till there is nothing left to destroy.

If this is what we all desire then let's take a stand make a move in changing society,
Stop bowing down to this elite
Stop letting it take control of your every desire
Stop letting it put a stop on who you were, who you are, and who you want to be.
Stop letting it destroy you.

Since society is something we made, why not destroy it?
Do we not try because it is seen to be impossible to vanquish.
Or because there is that need to hide ourselves from the world and have something to blame it on?

If this is so, why is that what we do?
Is it the fear that makes us hide,
The hate that we bring on our selves
Our shame of what we truly are
The we look.

Ever since the past there has always been that beast called different.
The ones who are different were hated,
Treated like these decrepit things
Only because we feared them.
We didn't understand so we feared and turned that into hate.

All of that fear turned into hate,
Both those things built what is called society.
If only people didn't mind different
Nor fear it then there would be no need to hide
No need to fear or to hate.
If only people didn't fear what they don't understand
Society would b different
Possibly even gone.

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