The Dance

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Fingers dancing to their partner, they grab their partner and begin to dance to the rhythm of the singing voices in her head.

Together they paint the lyrics on her wrist,

The singing stops, the dancing stops, the painting stops. All that is left is the stain red skin, and the open cut.

The song soon turns into a scar. The scar will forever remain so the song will forever play.

She hides the song away so the strangers don't stop and judge the song that plays on and on.

The voices get tired of singing the same song. So they mix it up.

They start singing new lyrics with a new rhythm.

The fingers begin to dance with it's partner. They dance out an outline, as if hesitating because they think this dance is wrong.

They then start painting the outline believing this is the correct dance to dance.

They write down the lyrics of this new song, and the rhythm is permanently imprinted in the lyrics, and in the dance.

She goes out and hides away the new song that plays.

As she walks around in this big world feeling so small, yet a new rhythm comes to mind.

She goes home and there she sits once again,

She let's her fingers and their partner dance out the new song,

This time they don't stop and think that this is wrong.

Then the dancers realize that the dance is all wrong.

Now she is in the outside world feeling not alone nor small, but lifeless.

There she lays, with her stain red skin showing, and the open cuts,

Strangers come and listen to the song,

They realize that this is the saddest song ever sung, this is the saddest dance ever danced.

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