In Trouble

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Warnings: None

Wordcount: 800

You just got home when you heard Natasha reprimanding someone, making you furrow your brows.

"Babe? I'm home" you call out.

When you got to the living room, you were greeted by the sight of your wife staring down at Ziggy, your cat. Turns out it was the cat she was scolding, though it looked like Ziggy didn't care that much. He was licking his paw, not minding that he was being reprimanded for something.

A chuckle escaped your lips before you could stop it, finding what was happening adorable, when Natasha's glare turned to you.

Shit. You've always found angry Natasha hot, but you meant at other people, not at you.

"You find this funny?"

Oh no

It was just then that you noticed Natasha's favorite widow's bite at the coffee table, the red ones, disfigured almost beyond recognition. And context clues tell you that the culprit is the black fur ball sitting on the couch, meowing.

"No- of course not, babe" you back down, not wanting to worsen your wife's already bad mood.

Natasha huffs, then crosses her arms.

"Detka, when you begged me to keep the cat, you promised you'd train him to not ruin our things."

She pointed to the widow bite.

"This is the opposite of that. It'd take me hours to fix this, if it could even be salvaged."

You stood there, wincing as your wife softly scolded you and Ziggy both. You scratch the back of your cat's ear, relishing in the purring that followed.

Natasha stops for a second. "Okay, you two have to stop being cute when I'm mad at you."

Your lips spread into a small smile. She's not that mad anymore.

 She's not that mad anymore

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You take that back.


"You're sleeping on the couch tonight."

You've finished getting ready to sleep only for Natasha to kick you out of the bed. It was hours after you came home, and hours after she finished fixing the widow's bite with you bringing her food to appease her mood. It was good as new, so you thought she'd let the issue go. Or so you thought.

"You're not serious."

She has a blank expression, arching a brow as if challenging you to oppose her. "I am."

"But baby... why?"

She almost looks like she was about to take it back because of the endearment. Almost.

"Because I'm still pissed at you," she glares at Ziggy who was sitting at the end of the bed, then adds: "And because Ziggy always cuddles with you and I don't want that little troublemaker on the bed when I'm still mad at him."

Your wife could be so petty sometimes.

You gasp, then rush to cover Ziggy's ears. "Don't talk about our son like that!"

Your wife grins, finding your theatrics endearing. "He's your son when he annoys me."

Natasha still hasn't changed her mind, though. No matter how cute you were being.

"Go and take your pillows to the couch, detka," she kisses your cheek slyly. "Goodnight."

You're going to talk to Natasha about buying a new couch tomorrow

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You're going to talk to Natasha about buying a new couch tomorrow. This one was going to kill your back in the morning.

True to Natasha's words: Ziggy came to sleep on your stomach not even ten minutes after you found your best position to sleep in.

You don't know whether to feel glad that you're the favorite parent or whine about how that's the reason you're not sleeping on your big and comfortable bed with your wife.

It takes you an hour to sleep, with Ziggy's purring luring you to slumber.

It takes you an hour to sleep, with Ziggy's purring luring you to slumber

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You wake up at midnight to Ziggy being lifted off of you.

He meows loudly in offense.

"What the fu-"

"Shh, detka. It's just me."

You rub your eyes to see her as clearly as you can with the lights off.


Then she lies down on top of you. She let out a contended sigh that almost sounded like a purr, snuggling further into you.

"I missed you."

Natasha was seriously like a cat sometimes.

"You just ripped Ziggy away from me."

"He'll live," she exhales into your neck. "I can't sleep without you."

"You don't want to just move to our bedroom?"

"Hmmm no. Too much work. I'm sorry for kicking you out. It was my fault for not keeping it in the drawer."

Her voice is getting more and more quieter, so you know she's going to fall asleep any second now.

"It's okay, baby. I'm sorry for breaking our deal too."

No response.


Natasha's fallen asleep.

"Love you. Sweet dreams."

You kiss her forehead goodnight, and it wasn't long before your wife's comforting heartbeat soothes you back to sleep.

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