Blind To Love

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Wordcount: 2.6k

Warnings: Breakup, small Injury, some angst

"Where are they?!"

You heard the frantic voice of Natasha coming closer from the hallways. You had been out on a solo mission when things suddenly went south, sending you straight to the med bay.

"They're fine Nat." Steve hurried to assure her when she entered through the doors. The blonde was the one to bring you to the doctors, being the first to come find you after FRIDAY notified everyone about your condition.

Natasha pushed past Steve and quickly brought your face into her hands. You watched as her concerned eyes scanned over your face for any sign of pain. She knew if she asked, you'd say you were fine.

"Oh my god, I was so scared when FRIDAY told us you were bleeding." Natasha's voice quivered as she spoke.

"I cut my foot and hopped out of the jet. Might have looked worse than it is." You explained, lifting your hand up to Natasha's to comfort her.

She let out a heavy breath, before speaking quietly, "I don't know what I wo-"

Before she could finish, Bruce entered the room, a phone in his hand, speaking to you. "Y/N, I called Morgan for you. They said they're glad you're okay."

Natasha retracted her hands from you, a sigh escaping her lips. You immediately looked at Bruce for more information about your boyfriend/girlfriend, "Thank you. When will they be here?"

"About that... They said they're busy, and something about 'you got all the support you need there with you already." Bruce scratched the back of his neck, looking at you with a nervous expression.

"And what the hell is that supposed to mean?!" You didn't mean to spit out your question so angrily. Bruce and Steve slightly flinched, while Natasha instead grew an angry frown above her eyes.

The two men took that as their cue to leave, knowing about the tension that had been going on between you and your boyfriend/girlfriend for weeks now. Natasha stayed by your side, while the doctors kept checking on you and fixing your foot.

The redhead sat down on a chair next to you, giving you an understanding look. You let out a sigh and stared at the ceiling, meanwhile letting your left hand slide down to find hers.

"I don't understand what their problem is. They're my boyfriend/girlfriend, I should expect them to come see me when I get hurt on a mission. Hell, I could probably be on my death bed, and they'd come up with some dumb excuse to not come see me."

Natasha didn't like your current boyfriend/girlfriend. She didn't even like the one you had before them. And not just because of how they treated you.

Your eyes started watering, trying to understand what you'd done to make your own boyfriend/girlfriend act the way they did. They'd been acting distant and bored around you for weeks now, but this, them not caring enough to come see their injured girlfriend/boyfriend, reached the peak.

"I feel like... I feel like they don't care about me anymore. I don't know what's wrong with me." As you spoke, your voice broke peace by peace.

Natasha gritted her teeth, angry at Morgan and saddened for you. She hated seeing you like this. It wasn't exactly the first time you came to her about your problems with your boyfriend/girlfriend.

She tightened the hold of your hand and brought her other up to cup your cheek. She looked into your eyes, making sure she had your attention, "Don't you dare think like that okay? There is absolutely nothing wrong with you and Morgan is a dick for making you think that. You're so damn out of their league Y/N, and if they think they have the right to fuck with your feelings like this, they're wrong. I'll murder them on the spot if I ever see them do it in real time. You're worth so much Y/N and they're absolute trash. If you still can't see it, they're not fucking worth your time."

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