Idle Conversation

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Warnings: Swearing

Wordcount: 900

"You'd be the lookout while I investigate," Natasha suggests although it came out more like a demand. Typical Natasha, always leaving you to stand guard as if you're not a trained spy.

"Noooooo," you groan loudly. "Lookout is the worst job, I don't want to do that."

"Fine." She gives you a bright smile, pushing you through the door of the office. "You search the office top to bottom and get into the computer and I'll stand here."

You push back against her until she lets up and then turn to her. Crossing your arms over your chest. You may not wanna be lookout but even you knew attention to detail was much more Natasha's speciality. "We both know I'm not gonna do that, I don't know how to hack a computer."

She pats you on the shoulder as she brushes past to get to work. "Then go wait by the door while I do all the work. Also, it's less hacking and more figuring out the password."

You fall back dramatically against the door frame; half in the room, half in the hallway and sigh extra loudly. "Why am I even here if I just have to be the lookout. It's the worst job. Nobody wants to be a lookout. It's basically a waste of my skills-"

"I've never heard a spy complain so much about being a spy." Natasha quipped as she ruffled through some draws. "Now shush. You're gonna attract attention."

"Sweet, sweet, Natasha. When have you ever known me to be quiet?" You ask playfully. "Plus there is nobody here. We took out the security. I could scream and we'll be fine."

You take a long deep breath.

"Don't. Don't you dare scream."

"I wasn't gonna," you shrug, looking out into the hallway. "Have a little faith in me."

"We all know you were." She replies before. "Please stay on task."

You try to stay silent as you listen to her work. Eyeing the dark empty hallway; your weight shifting to one foot to the other but you were growing bored very quickly.

"You know this one time I ate like 8 bagels in a row," You blurt out, looking to fill the silence with conversation. Glancing in her direction, Natasha stops what she's doing just to look at you. You both stare at each other for a moment before her brows knit together.

"What the fuck does that have to do with the mission?"

"Nothing," you shrug casually, an innocent smile spreading over your lips. A wave of different emotions washes visibly over Natasha before she just sighs and turns to the fling cabinet that was behind her.

"Have you ever watched Sailor Moon?" You ask quietly.


"You should, it's good. I don't know much you're into all that but-"

"Please stop talking," Natasha stressed. "You're talking way too much for a lookout."

"If I didn't talk then we'd be working in silence."

"Exactly, you get it." You groaned, sitting down in the doorway. Legs crossed and arms folded over your chest.

"This may possibly be the most boring mission I've ever been on." You grumble more to yourself than Natasha.

"I'm nearly done, I just need to make sure I haven't missed anything and check the computer."

"Do you want a skittle?" You ask.

"What? Where did you get skittles from?"

You look over your shoulder, she's digging through a bunch of dusty files. "I brought a packet in case I get hungry. Don't want my stomach growling and waking up the whole neighbourhood." You chuckle. "I get snacky under intense pressure. So?"

"No thanks, I'm good."

You let the silence linger as you enjoy your snack but before too long you can't stand it anymore.

"Do you ever wish dinosaurs were still alive?" You wonder, tossing a red skittle into your mouth.

"Uh... no? Have you ever seen Jurassic Park?"

"But logically if we had evolved alongside dinosaurs we would surely have either been wiped out or adapted to living with them. The problem with Jurassic Park is that they brought them back to life without being properly prepared for a world with dinosaurs. Also, we'd avoid things like the Indoraptor or Indomius rex since they'd be no use for them essentially because we'd have dinosaurs everywhere."

"You seem like you've put a lot of thought into it," Natasha comments. You spin around so you're sat facing into the room. Her attention is now on the computer.

"I like dinosaurs, they're cool. My favorite is the Carnotaurus who is highly underrated."

"The poor Carnotaurus." She quips.

"Do you like dinosaurs?" Finishing off your sweets, you drop the litter into a side pocket.

"I have... no opinion."

"Do you like anything or were you just born cold and unloving?" You tease, leaning back on the palm of your hands.

"Fuck You."

"Language Natasha," You scold. "Are you done yet? I feel like we've been here my entire life."

"Oh yeah, I forgot," she glances to her wrist which certainly doesn't have a watch on. "Isn't past your bedtime?"

"Isn't it time you die," You fire back. "Now let's go before I start heading for the grave too."

"Stop rushing me,"

"Nat hurry. I genuinely hear people coming." You jump to your feet, hiding behind the door.

"Okay, okay." Her movements behind the computer become more frantic. You peer out into the hallways before shutting the door.

"Nat I'm serious. They're almost here."

"Alright, I'm done." The redhead comes up behind you and you slowly open the door. There's nobody there. Natasha steps out first looking both ways before turning to you. "I thought you said they were almost here?"

"I lied, obviously. Now let's go." You walk out of the room, grabbing the other woman's hand before proceeding to pull her along behind you.

"I hate you."

"I know," you nod a little. "You wanna watch Sailor moon with me when we get back to the compound? I just started so I don't mind going back to the beginning."

You hear her sigh softly. "...Yes."

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