Nice To Meet You

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Warnings: Mild Swearing

Wordcount: 1.1k

"They look so hot," comments Tony while looking at the screen, Wanda putting on some model show that now everyone is watching. But the person on the TV isn't just some random person- it's you. Of course, the Avengers don't know it yet but their co-worker has a secret; her girlfriend/boyfriend is a super successful model.

Nat glances at him angrily, jealousy taking over her senses. But if she thinks about it, can she really blame them? I mean, after all, you are extremely hot and they don't know you're taken; hence, she cannot complain about it. She wanted to tell them many times, she really did but there's something about the secrecy that feels good- she wants to have you to herself for just a while longer. I mean, if she kept it a secret for so long, without telling anyone, not even Clint, why not just a little longer?

"Yeah, they do," Sam replies, a smirk evident on his face. Natasha just rolls her eyes, laughing on the inside because damn, that is her girlfriend/boyfriend.

Half an hour later, she's already on her way to meet you at your usual secret spot, you changing and calling her as soon as the show was over

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Half an hour later, she's already on her way to meet you at your usual secret spot, you changing and calling her as soon as the show was over. It's almost a tradition by now, she always comes, hugs you and congratulates you on yet another amazing performance. And today's no different.

"Congratulations babe, I'm so proud of you!" Natasha exclaims as she picks you up and spins around, you letting out a few chuckles, pressing a sweet kiss against the crown of her head. As she puts you down she looks deep into your eyes, not moving just staring; and you do the same. Your eyes travel from her eyes to her lips, up to her hair, and stopping there. Her hair is always something you adored about her physical looks more- there's something about the red color that's so attractive, it just lulls you in like you're under some kind of spell.

"Thank you," you whisper, focusing your attention back on her irises.

"I have to tell you something," she begins, looking down to her hands. "I think I'm finally ready. I wanna tell the team about us," she continues, lifting her head back up. "I know they won't judge me and to be honest, I should have told them a long time ago but there was always something. This time though, I'm gonna really tell them and I want for you to go with me if you would like to?" she hopefully asks, a soft smile appearing on your face.

"I thought you'd never ask." You confidently say, knowing how much these people mean to her; they're not just her co-workers, they're her friends, her family. And maybe one day, they can be yours too.

Arriving back to the compound you step out of Nat's car, the nerves catching up with you

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Arriving back to the compound you step out of Nat's car, the nerves catching up with you. Now it's the exact opposite as it was before- Natasha is as calm as she can be and you're more nervous than you've ever been.

"You okay?" she asks with an amused look on her face, earning a nod from you.

"Mhm," you hum, a laugh escaping her lips.

"You're nervous, aren't you?"

"Very," you reply, loudly exhaling to try and calm down. It helps a little but not too much because holy shit, you're about to meet The Avengers. They're famous and they saved the city more times than you can count, which is not exactly the best thing to think about right now. "Let's just go and get this over with."

As much as you're afraid to face them, you're also happy to get the privilege to meet her friends; it doesn't happen every day that you get to know your girlfriend's family.

Stepping out of the elevator Natasha walks in before you, ordering you to stay here for a little until she calls you. You obey, stopping in front of the entrance to what looks like a living room and patiently waiting for her to say her stuff before introducing you.

"Hey, guys" Natasha greets as she enters the room, all their attention focusing on her. They've been meaning to ask her about her sudden periods where she just disappears, going out and then returning hours later, acting all mysterious. At first, they didn't suspect anything because this is Natasha Romanoff we're talking about but with time, it became really suspicious.

"Okay, before you say anything, we have to ask you something," Tony starts, putting his elbows on his knees, leaning forward. Before Nat could say anything a bunch of questions come flying at her from everywhere.

"Where were you?"

"Will you ever tell us where the hell do you disappear to every time?"

"What's your secret?"

"Okay, stop!" yells Natasha, all these questions becoming a little overwhelming. "I'll answer everything just please let me speak," she mutters, looking around the room and seeing everyone is waiting for her to talk. "I have a girlfriend/boyfriend and they're waiting behind these doors to be introduced. They're really nervous so please, be nice. I know you would never be rude but don't ask them too much at once either." She finishes and they all nod, grins appearing everywhere in the room. Calling out for you, you step into the room, a nervous smile on your face. They wave at you, the gesture replacing the usual 'hello' and 'hi'. Wanda is the first one to stand up, her hand shooting up, waiting for you to shake it.

"It's really nice to meet you, I'm Wanda," she introduces herself, everyone following her lead. After everyone is done, you let out a sigh of relief, already feeling calmer than before. In all honesty, everyone is happy Natasha found someone she can care about, let her guard down around; it's comforting to know she has someone to turn to when she needs a break.

After chit-chatting a little Nat gestures that you two should leave, knowing that you have another show tomorrow and have to sleep enough. Bidding your goodbyes you walk out, taking her hand in yours and intertwining your fingers, happily looking at her. This meeting was as successful as one could be and by the end, all of your previous nervousness went away, seeing how kind and funny they all actually are.

"Holy crap, who would've known our ex-assassin is dating the hot model I talked to you about," Tony laughs, feeling a little embarrassed. They all join him, watching as you walk down the hall, hand in hand, small smiles adorning their faces.

 They all join him, watching as you walk down the hall, hand in hand, small smiles adorning their faces

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Sorry for not posting in a while. There's been a lot going on with work and my family. Hopefully things will start to calm down at my work and then I can post more often. Other than that enjoy this chapter.

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