Teach Me

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Warnings: None

Wordcount: 1.2k

beep! beep! beep!

The fire alarm sounded. Again.

This was the third morning in a row that the irritating high pitched alarm went off, alerting everyone in the compound, and most likely the next town over, that yet again, you were cooking breakfast.

Well, 'cooking' was generous term. It was probably more accurate to say that you were simply attempting to heat food without burning down the entire building where it stands. That said, you quickly grabbed the metal lid abandoned on the side of the counter and threw it onto the pan, containing the flames that were rapidly getting out of hand.

You were only trying to cook some bacon.

"Y/L/N!" You cringed at the all too familiar voice of a certain Stark making his way down the hall.

"I swear to god if you've broken my toaster again!" He appeared in the doorway within seconds, still in his pajamas and his hair tousled. He raised his eyebrows, pointing at the pan you were so innocently standing in front of, expecting an explanation for why he was being woken up yet again by your antics.

"Your toaster is perfectly fine!"

"Well then what have you broken?"

"I haven't broken anything! It was just a little fire."

His eyes visibly widened, if his face moved an inch, they would've popped out. "A fire?!"

"Well, yeah, but look! It's fine! I covered it!"

More footsteps jogged up behind a stressed Tony, revealing themselves to be Steve and Natasha, your girlfriend, who knew fine well the reason behind yet another heated discussion. Literally.

"What's going on?" The super soldier kitted out in his gym gear asked, completely unknowing of the scene unfolding in front of him.

"What happened, Cap, is that someone is disturbing my beauty sleep." He glared at you, only partly serious.

"Now c'mon Tony, we all know you're a beautiful man." The redhead piped up, giving him a famous Romanoff smirk while giving you a subtle side-eyed wink.

Tony rolled his eyes, looking between you, the pan, Steve and Natasha, and back to you again. You tried to give him the most guilt-free smile you could muster, eyes pleading for him to not throw you into next week.

Your prayers must've been answered, a defeated sigh left his lips, turning towards the door to walk out. "Natasha"


"Please help your girlfriend and make sure she doesn't blow herself up."

She looked amused, clearly using every ounce of her strength to not laugh at the situation at hand as a grown man slumped back down the hall like an exhausted toddler.

Steve placed a steady hand on Nats shoulder. "I'm going to try and get some more training in before my run with Sam, you got this?"

"I'm sure I can handle this" she turned to see you looking at all the different buttons and dials on the oven, turning and pressing them with a furrowed brow. "I hope."

Steve chuckled lightly before returning to his gym session, leaving the pair of you alone in the now slightly clouded kitchen.

Natasha walked towards you, you were still completely oblivious to her as you were messing with the oven. You jumped a little as her hands fell to your waist, surprised at the sudden yet firm grip on your body.

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