Movie Night

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Warnings: Coulrophobia (fear of clowns), mentions of the IT move and pennywise

Wordcount: 2.4k

"I vote action movie"

"We watched an Action movie last week, Sam." Steve pinched the bridge of his nose, briefly looking up and meeting my eyes, earning a small smile in return, attempting to provide some sanity for the man.

"Plus, do you not think we've had enough action for one week?" Bucky grumbled, this week having taken a toll on everyone. We were all exhausted from our missions, some more than others, the soldier being one of them.

"Okay okay, no action, damn" Sam puts his hands up in defeat, accepting that he wasn't going to win this one. A few more options had been suggested, Bruce suggested rom-com, Thor suggested comedy, Vision proposed a documentary, all of which were shut down with groans and sounds of protest.

I turned to my assassin girlfriend who had been sitting beside me watching the scene unfold with an amused smirk on her face, her green eyes darting around the room whenever someone else spoke and taking sips of the drink she had in her hand. I nudged her slightly to get her attention.



"If it was up to you, what would you choose for movie night?" I asked. She morphed her face into a thoughtful one, still with a slight smile on her face, taking time to make her decision.

"If it was completely up to me? I would-"

"Aha!" Tony interrupted with a loud snap of his fingers. "I know, we haven't watched a horror movie in a while, and the new IT movie just came out, we can watch that." He smirked, proud of his contribution to the discussion at hand. I looked around the room, praying that they would pick anything else, literally anything, even Vision's documentary.

Unfortunately, everyone seemed to be really into it as they all shared nod's and 'yeah' 'sounds good' before splitting up to go and get their snacks and blankets to bring back to the large sofa.

Although I wouldn't admit it to the rest of the group, I was absolutely terrified of clowns and have been since I was a child. If there was a clown at a birthday party or an event, I'd pretend I was sick so that my mum wouldn't make me go. She soon noticed a pattern in my behavior, putting the pieces together and realizing that I hadn't come down with the flu three times that month, I was avoiding the 'entertainment' of the parties.

She tried explaining that it was just a guy in makeup and a funny suit, showing off fun tricks and jokes. However, nine year old me still refused to attend, faking a sneeze and hiding under the blanket.

"Woah, Y/L/N, you good over there?" Tony furrowed his brows, concern written all over his face. "You look like you've seen a ghost."

I wish it was a ghost.

I regained my composure, nodding and sending a firm smile his way, hoping that would be enough to prevent any further questioning. With a shrug, he made his way out of the room and caught up with Thor to explain what 'IT' was.

"You don't look so good, are you sure you're okay?" Nat placed her hand on my back, rubbing small, reassuring circles with her palm. I wanted to put on a brave face and tell her I was fine, that there wasn't a problem and my heart wasn't racing with fear, but the look on her face, while caring and concerned, was also warning me not to lie to her. Not that I'd mange anyway, she always had ways of finding out the truth eventually.

I shook my head, letting out a small sigh and turning in my seat to address her. My eyes met hers and I felt my heart settle slightly just by looking at her, she always made me feel safe.

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