Chapter 1

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“Wake up honey, you have a plane to catch!” my mom screamed. I groaned when I looked at my alarm. 5 am. I was so tired and my head was pounding. I got out of my bed and went to the small bathroom to take a quick shower. I needed to clear my head. After I showered I quickly dressed, dried my red curls and let I fall down my back. I looked in the mirror. It wasn’t horrible.

When I got back my best friend Emma was jumping around in my room. “You are going to Paris baby!” she screamed. 

“I know!” I screamed back as I pulled her in a tight hug. She almost fell over cause I was taller than her. “How did you get here?” I asked. 

“I took the window.” She said sarcastically. “You didn’t think I wouldn’t be there to wave my best friend goodbye, when she is going to Paris right?” 

“I’m going to miss you so much.” I sighed.  

“You’ll only be gone for 4 days.” She said. “But when you get back you really need to thank me for this, you know that right?” she teased. “If it wasn’t for your singing career you had to take me with you. I mean Paris. That is amazing!” 

I smiled thinking about how we had played truth and dare. How I had picked dare and how they had made me audition for  x factor. How nervous I had been for the auditions. At some points I had hated them for it. But I made it through the auditions and bootcamp and today was the day I would go to Paris with the 4 other candidates in my category to make my way through judges houses. Even though I wasn’t so sure about that. 

“Hey dreamy. Did you even hear me?” Emma asked, not expecting an answer. “If you stand there any longer lost in your thoughts, you are going to miss your plain.” She grabbed my huge suitcase and walked downstairs. I managed to rip myself out of my thoughts and I ran after her. 

“Finally, there you are.” My mom said giving me a quick hug. “I made you breakfast.” 

I swallowed. I wasn’t really hungry. I was so nervous I couldn’t even think clear at the moment. I glared at Emma and gave her a look. 

“I’ll eat it for you, don’t worry.” She whispered taking the plate my mom had handed to me. 

I went to the kitchen making myself a cup of coffee. I needed something to get me through this day. I sighed I was so not ready for this. Why did I ever agreed to this. I could simply stay home and don’t ever think about this again. But with my buzzing friends and my mom, I knew that it wasn’t an option. I grabbed my iPhone from the table. 2 new messages. 1 from my dad and one from Jasey. I opened Jasey’s first.

Hi gurlll, ready for Paris?

Enjoy your lil trip and show them everything you got!

I believe in you (; 

Xxx Jaseyyy

I smiled. I loved my friends and how they where always there for me. Jasey was so disappointed when she found out she had to work on the day I was leaving. I told her it didn’t matter, but she wouldn’t let it go. I knew she needed all the money she could get, cause she was saving for college and after a while she gave in. 

I went back to the living room. There was an empty plate in front of Emma. I smiled at her. She raised her thumb. “You also have to thank me for that later.” 

I sat next to her on the small couch and checked my dads text. 

Hi Darcy.

I’m sorry I can’t be there today.

Good luck in Paris, not that you need it. 

Xx dad.

Well at least he tried. I wasn’t expecting him to come anyway. He was always busy working, so I was used to it. But it was sweet to send me a text. I checked the time: 6 am. Almost time to leave. My stomach made a turn. I wasn’t ready. 

“Girls we really have to go, we don’t want to be late!” My mom screamed. We both rushed to grab our bags and coats and ran outside. My mom was already starting the car. She was always stressed when it came to these things and it wasn’t really helping me staying calm. I dropped my suitcase in the back and we got in the car. 

It wasn’t a long drive. Emma tried to cheer me up the whole time and it was working. I wasn’t as nervous anymore as I was this morning. She could make me believe in myself with a few words, one of her best things. My mom on the other hand was just moody, probably because she wasn’t a morning person, but Emma even managed to cheer her up a bit. 

When we got at the airport we easily found the other contestants. “You must be Darcy! I’m Kelly, I’ll be your guide for the next couple of days.” A small, short haired woman said. She didn’t even wait for my answer. “We really have to go!” 

I checked the time. Our plane would leave in 25 minutes. We checked in as fast as we could. I gave my mom a quick hug and she whispered in my ear that she knew that I could do it and that she believed in me. Then I went to Emma to give her a hug, it lasted longer than two minutes, cause she ranted in my ear that I didn’t have to be nervous and that I had the best voice she ever heard. I didn’t really believe her and I found it hard to focus on her little speech at the moment. My mind was going crazy and I felt like I was about to pass out. 

“We have to go!” One of the contestants screamed. She sounded annoyed. I didn’t know who it was, cause we didn’t had the change to properly meet yet. I let go of Emma and waved her goodbye. This was it. I was really going to Paris, to prove someone that my voice was good enough to make it to the live shows.

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