Chapter 12

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The next day I woke up feeling as nervous as the week before. Would those stupid nerves every go away. Maybe not. I looked at my phone, it was still early and I had enough time for a long, hot, refreshing shower. I turned on my music and sang along as hard as I could, probably really out of tune but I couldn't care less. If the others weren't awake, they would be now.

I put on a skinny jeans and a t-shirt and went downstairs, bumping into a girl I hadn't met before. She had brown, wavy hair where every girl would die for and was really pretty.

“Hi, I'm Eleanor.” She smiled at me. ‘You must be one of the contestants right?”

“Yeah, I'm Darcy. Nice to meet you. I said, returning he smile. You must be Louis or Liam’s girlfriend.” I felt a little ashamed I knew so little of them. But I was never a big fan or anything and they never told me, so it was not my entire fault.

“She's my girlfriend.” Louis said, wrapping his arm around her waist. “By the way, nice singing Darcy, I'm going to use you to wake up Zayn the next time he doesn't want to come out of his bed.”

I grinned at him. “I would absolutely love that. I bet he might appreciate it a bit more than a bottle of water.”

Hmm not sure about that. He replied, sticking out his tongue to me. I rolled my eyes at him and walked away.

When I came to the kitchen I saw another new face. A girl with brown, curly hair sat next to Liam. She must be his girlfriend. I sat down next to Kelsey.

“Hi, I'm Darcy.”  I said, smiling at the girl.

“Danielle.” She replied. “Its so nice to finally meet you, Liam told me so much about you.”

“He did?” I asked surprised. I wasn’t that interesting right.

She nodded. “Uh-huh he cant stop talking about all of you. I swear if he knew your whole life story, he would have told me.”

Liam started to laugh. “That would probably be true.”

I was so nervous that I couldn't get anything down my throat and I wasn't the only one. Kelsey was almost as nervous as last week, but we were both dealing a little bit better. Maybe if we both would reach the finals we would be able to go on stage only being a little nerves. We both had no idea how Scarlett was so calm all the time, while we were close to a breakdown.

“Are you, El and Perrie coming with us?” Liam asked to Danielle

We decided to go shopping first and meet you before the show starts. She replied, Liam agreeing with her.

It was around the time the van would arrive to take us to the studio and Harry still hadn't shown his face. Louis went to check on him and when he came back he had a huge grin on his face.

“He was still asleep!” He laughed. “Apparently he had a bad night or something.”

A few minutes later an exhausted looking Harry appeared in the kitchen. His curls were a total mess and he looked like he hadn't slept for days. He mumbled a good morning, grabbed his phone from the table and headed off to the van.

*Harry's POV*

I must look like a horrible mess, but right now I couldn't care less. I fell asleep only an hour before Louis woke me up again and I was exhausted. Bad dreams kept haunting me and when I was awake my mind was going crazy. What was wrong with me. Everything used to be so easy, till she showed up and made everything complicated. She could start hating me again for everything I did or tried. I had no idea if this was a good idea and I was desperate to find out what Kelsey and Scarlett were up to, so I could calm the fuck down.

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