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*time skip Morning*
Y/n did her routine and went to get ready. She was having a meeting today so she freshman up and got ready for the meeting and went downstairs to meet aera and mom sitting on dining area.

This is what she is wearing for meeting

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This is what she is wearing for meeting

Y/n: morning
Aera and mom: morning.
Y/n: mom what about today's meeting are you gonna attend it or I am alone presenting.
Mom: actually cupcake I am gonna come but you are going to present.
Y/n: ok mom
Mom: and also there will be Mr.Kim and BTS
Y/n: why would they be there.
Mom: cause they are also in this deal
Y/n: okay and mom I accept your marriage.
Mom: WHAT !! Really?
Aera and y/n: yes mom
Mom: thank you taffy and cupcake you are the best.
Y/n: ok ok now we will be late let's go fast. And taffy you are gonna go to school as today is your test. And remeber our promise right.
Aera: yes I remember it I will give my best and Unnie don't forget we have to pick up Sakshi today.
Y/n: yes Taffy I Remember it clearly now I will be get going.
Mom: wait I will take my purse.
Y/n: ok
She went and came back with her purse and we went to company. Everyone bowed us and we went to meeting room. Mr.kang, mr.park, mr.Shin, Mr.Choi and Mr.Kim and BTS were already present there. I went and bowed to them they did the same to mom except Mr.Kim as he is the same position as mom.
Y/n: good morning so today's meeting is about blah blah blah blah blah blah this is my idea hope you like it.
Mr.Kang: wow Miss. Y/n you never fail to impress us.
Mr.Shin: yeah you ideas are great.
Mr.Choi: Miss.Y/n I accept your ideas you can work on it.
Y/n: thank you Mr.Choi and also thank you to everyone present here.

The meeting eneded now it was only me, mom Mr.Kim and BTS present in the meeting room.

Mr.Kim: wow y/n I am really impressed. You do your work with professionalism I see.
Y/n: thank you Mr.Kim.
Mom: guys tommorow we are going to go to wedding Shopping.
Dad: and wedding is preponed to the day after tomorrow so tomorrow we have to go shopping.
All of us just nodded
Y/n: ok then I still need to attend classes so I will take my leave.
Jungkook: you wilk still attend the classes?
Y/n: I think you forgot Today we all have practice test. I have postponed it after lunch so there is till time.
BTS: oh shit uhh how can I forget.
Namjoon: and how did you postponed it?
Y/n: I am owner of the school.
Mom: but cupcake as I saw you were yesterday you were preparing presentation so have you studied.
Y/n: no mom
Mr.Kim: I don't know anything and you have to score more than 85 percent in every subject. And if you will not then get ready to face concequenses. And y/n you and Aera also you are my soo-to-be-daughters but still I won't hesitate to punish you.  (Strict)
Y/n was also a little bit scared so she nodded.
Mom: ok kids give your best and score 85 above. Now go fast or you will be late.
Namjoon: but we don't have uniforms
Y/n: don't worry I have extra uniforms.
Jimin: of boys?
Mom: yeah she has in her private room right y/n?
Y/n: yes mom
Mr.Kim:ok so guys go now.
We all went to the school. I went by my car while they went with there limo. At the same time we entered and all eyes were on us. Some people where Whispering about my car and how I arrived on the exact time as BTS. Then we enetered and we alone were in colourful clothes while all of the others were in uniform. We all were going at same direction.
Girl7: yaah what are you doing with our oppa huh.
Girl9: see now she started seducing our oppa's.
Boy5: I didn't knew you were like this
Boy1: yeah I thought atleast she would be better than those sluts but she is also one of them
Girl3: I think her sister is also like her a slut.
That's it. I lose my patience there I went and slapped that girl3 really hard that she fell in the ground.
With that she left and BTS followed her like lost puppies cause they don't know where she is going. It's definately not the way in their private room is. Then she stopped at ending if the corridor. She opened the door and it was her private room.
Jimin: oh so you have different private room
Y/n: yeah and here take this uniforms and get change I will be going.
I took my uniform and went to girls bathroom. I changed my outfit into uniform and kept my clothes inside my lockers and went at the cafeteria as it was already lunch time. I saw BTS are also in uniform. I locked my private room and went to cafeteria.
Aera: Unnie here
She waved from a table. She was sitting with BP, ITZY and TXT and some more boys which were back facing me so I don't know them. I went towards them and I was shocked to see it was my Cousin Lee Min Ho and more 2 boys. I ran and hugged Min ho oppa. He is really close to me and he is really a very good brother.
Y/n: oppa I missed you
Minho: I missed you too cupcake.
Aera: we are also here.
2boys, TXT, BP, IU and ITZY: yeah

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