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*Y/n pov*
*In the car*
Y/n: thank you Jungkook it was really fun today. I loved it.
Jk: glad that you liked it but I wanna ask you something.
Y/n: yeah sure what is it?
Jk: do you perhaps like Eunwoo.

I choked on the air when he asked me that. While he rubbed my back to clam me down.

Y/n: y-yah what makes you think that
Jk: you were sitting with him in almost every rides at amusement park.
Y/n: aish it's nothing Jk and you are pairing me and taht asshole. My god, I think you have gone insane.
Jk: ok ok I got it I am sorry.

After that we randomly chatted and reached home as we reached home we saw BTS, Aera and Jia sitting in the living room looking upset.

Y/n: what happened to them.
Jk: now they are gonna start their drama.
Y/n: huh what do you- oh I got it they are gonna be dramatic because we 2 went alone leaving them here.
Jk: right, my sister is smart.
Y/n: of course I am. now let's deal with this kids.

We went and sat on the couches gaining everyone's attention.

Jimin: did you both enjoyed eating ice cream and amusement park rides leaving us here. (Saracastic)
Y/n: yeah very much we went on many rides it was really fun. right Jk.
Jk: yeah it was so fun.
Jimin: do you both Understand saracasm.
Y/n: and do you understand double saracasm.

Everyone laughed and Jimin just pouted annoyed. Well I love to annoy him it is fun to see him annoyed.

Jia: but Unnie why didn't you took us with you. I also like amusement parks and you know taht right.
Aera: yeah Unnie why you left us.
Y/n: sorry my both dongsaeng but I promise I will take you with me next time okay?
Aera and Jia: hehe okay.
Jin: okay then go to sleep guys.
Aera: Unnie I and Jia wanna sleep with you today.
Y/n: ok the let's go.

We wished eachother good night and We three went to my room while others went to their respective rooms. After coming I feashen up and changed into my PJ's. And laid on the bed by Jia my right side and Aera on left. I love my both sister's very much.
Soon Jia fell asleep while cuddling me.

*Author pov*
Aera: Unnie thank you for giving me a small sister.
Y/n: you love her alot don't you.
Aera: of course I love her alot and I promise you I will keep her safe even if it costs my life. I will be good elder sister just like you.
Y/n: don't say like that. I will Never ever risk your life. I will always protect you like a sheild. I can't afford to loose any of you. You both are the most presious Jem in my life.
Aera: Unnie how can you be so perfect. You are a perfect sister, perfect daughter, perfect freind, perfect CEO for company and a perfect person. I wanna be like you Unnie.
Y/n: it's not like that Aera. No one in this world is perfect but we should try being perfect. And don't worry I am sure you will be a really good person in your life. And about Jia don't worry I know you will be a really good elder sister. Just remember one thing don't hide anything from me ok?
Aera: even if I hide something you are gonna know it Unnie it's like you can read my mind.

y/n chuckled at her words.

Y/n: yeah you can say like that. Anyways let's sleep now I don't want any darkcircle on my babies face.
Aera: ok eomma.

She chuckled knowing y/n doesn't like calling eomma it feels like she is really old.

Y/n: aish this kid just sleep.

With that they 3 slept peacefully. Jia leg one y/n leg and Aera hand over y/n's waist. After sometime Mrs.Kim and Mr.Kim enetered their room to see if y/n slept or not but made an aww face when they saw there 3 angles sleeping cutely cuddling eachother. 
Mrs.Kim: aww our 3 princess.
Mr.Kim: they are looking so cute.
Mrs.Kim: I know right see even though y/n is alsleep she is positioned to protect them.
Mr.Kim: she is a really good Sister.
Mrs.Kim: you know what she is not Aera's sister but a mother to her. Aera was a little late than other kids able to speak but only y/n could understand her language till then. Not even me. She is like her 1st mom and I am second one.
Mr.Kim: she is also a motherly figure for Jia too. did you noticed how much she panicked when we told her Jia is sick.
Mrs.Kim: yeah I know. I just hope  our kids are happy like this forever.
Mr.Kim: yeah now let's go before they wake up and I don't wanna wake my princess's up.

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