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*Next day*
*Author pov*
Y/n went to school a little early as she wanted to read some books from library. She first went to Siddharth Mansion and made sure Aera and Jia are safe cause she is worried about then as that unknown number has texted her few times and it seems like that unknown person knows well about y/n's family.
When she was assured that Jia and Aera both are safe she drove off too school.
When she reached there were not many people as it was pretty early. She parked her bike in parking lot and went towards library. She went on Library and started searching for the book she wants as she was searching someone caught her wrist and pulled her, as the person pulled her, her head landed on that person chest. She knew who is this.

*Y/n pov*
As I was searching for the book someone holded my wrist and pulled me towards him and my head landed on his chest. I know who is this very well. I just jerked my hand off and moved a step back.
Y/n: you asshole don't touch me.
Eunwoo: like I am desperate to touch you. Anyways I just came here to tell you something.
Y/n: and what is that something?
Eunwoo: Jk told me to tell you that he is gonna take you to ice cream parlor today and he also told to bring IU there.

I smirked when he mentioned IU cause I know they both idiots have crush on eachother but doesn't confessed yet.

Y/n: ok then and are you free after school.
Eunwoo: why?
Y/n:  so that you can also come with us
Eunwoo: and why would I?
Y/n: what a bestfreind you are. Don't you know about Jk's crush on IU.
Eunwoo: of course I know it but I don't know about IU.
Y/n: she also has a crush on Jk but both are shy asses so they are not confessing.
Eunwoo: so fellings are mutual.  but in this whole situation why do you want me to come with you 3.
Y/n: cause i don't wanna be a 3 wheel.
Eunwoo: now I understand it but why should I help you
Y/n: you are not gonna help me you are gonna help your bestfreind by playing a cupid's role.
Eunwoo: yeah you are right I will do anything for Jk. So in conclusion I am gonna come with you. But what the plan
Y/n: don't worry I already have a plan. So the plan is that after eating icecream with them we will tell them to go to the amusement park cause I know it very well that IU is a little bit scared of roller coaster so I think you understand it now. (Smirk)
Eunwoo: yeah I understand it. Good plan by the way but I am sure that JK is gonna tell me to sit with him in the ride.
Y/n: I also know IU is going to do the same so we have to run faster than them to occupy our sits faster.
Eunwoo: means I have to sit with you but I don't want to sit beside Ms.Rude
Y/n: like I want to sit beside a asshole like you but we have to do it we are playing role of cupid remember. And moreover I can't do it alone so I need your help.
Eunwoo: I also can't do it alone so I think I can bare your annoying ass for Jk's love life.
Y/n: don't worry feeling are mutual you asshole. Now I am going bye. And remember about the plan.
Eunwoo: yeah yeah.

After that I left to the other section of Library and finally I got the book which I was finding. After that I went to my classes which was Biology and I am having it with IU. So I wilk tell her about this ice cream parlor plan. I enetered the classroom and I was the first one to enter. After sometime classroom started feeling with students and after some minutes IU enetered and sat beside me.

Y/n: IU what are your plans after school?
IU: nothing, why?
Y/ n: let's go to ice cream parlor then today Jungkook is taking me there and Eunwoo is also with him so I don't wanna be the only girl.

IU fiest blushed hearing Jungkook name. But then answered.

IU: ok then I will come with you.
Y/n: thanks.

After that we just randomly chatted and like taht class ended.

*Time skip after school*
*Author pov*

After School Jk, Eunwoo, y/n and Iu went to the ice cream shop. They were chatting and Eunwoo and y/n were enjoying seeing those two blushing whenever making and eye contact. After they reached ice cream shop a waiter approach towards them.

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