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Not much more happened in this week just Y/n and BTS were preparing for wedding. Aera got closed to BTS while y/n is still cold to them. Also y/n found that Eunbi is Minho's sister so she took permission from Minho and Eunbi's mom about Mafia training. Eunbi's mom denied at first but then Eunbi somehow convinced her.

*Time Directly skip to wedding day*
*A/n pov*

Y/n and Aera were sitting on the couches waiting for their mother to arrive. They were done getting ready. After some minutes finally there mom arrived they were really very shocked after seeing their mom she was looking like an angle from heaven.
Y/n and Aera: Omo mom you look so pretty
Mom: really.
Y/n: now I know why Mr.Kim fell for you.
Ms.Lee just blushed and hit her arm playfully.
Aera: mom but Really you are looking very Pretty.
Mom: of course and you both are also looking really very beautiful.
Y/n: of cource at last we are your daughter's.
Mom: yeah I am proud of my self.
Aera: aish you mother daughter duo stop it lets go now it's almost time.
Y/n: ok let's go mom your handsome groom is waiting for you.
Aera: yeah I am sure he is gonna jump in excitement when he is gonna see you.
Mom: yaah stop it now. But y/n you said there is a surprise for me.
Y/n: yes mom go Aera tell him to come.
Mom: who is gonna come?
Y/n: just 2 seconds mom.

After some seconds a man walked in. Seeing that man Ms.Lee broke into tears of
happiness and hugged that man.

??: I missed you.
Ms.Lee: I missed you too JungHo oppa.

Yes it was her elder brother who was in states from 5 years.

JungHo: I missed you too Ara.
Y/n: ok ok now stop this emotional seen and mom stop crying what about your makeup?
Ara: Cupcake and Taffy this is the best surprise. Thank you.
JungHo: yaah I am also a part of their surprise.
Ara: buy I am not gonna thank you. You laft your sister alone for 5 years.
JungHo: I am sorry for that but it was important you know taht right.
Ara: yeah yeah. but wait a minute you are here that means Min-ho is here too.
Aera: yes he is and that too from almost 2 weeks.
Ara: why you guys didn't told me.
JungHo: a gift for you on your wedding you know.
Ara: I love this surprise.
JungHo: ok now let's go before Minho come here out of waiting.

Them they all went to wedding and soon the wedding started. While Aera and Y/n went towards BP, TXT, ITZY, Siddharth, Sakshi,Eunbi, Minho, Seojun, Jongsuk and BTS. (They all were sitting on a big table)

 (They all were sitting on a big table)

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Ara's wedding gown.

Ara's wedding gown

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