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After some hours all of them left to their houses while Sakshi and Siddharth are going with Y/n and Aera to meat Mrs.Lee. (y/n mom)
They arrived Sakshi was so memorized by mansion.
Sakshi: wow y/n di this mansion is really very beautiful
Y/n: thanks cutie let's go now.
Then they went inside and mom was realky happy to see Siddharth and Sakshi. She also treats Sakshi like her own daughter she never really met her but whenever Aera used to talk to Sakshi she also used to join them sometime. Then they chit chatted for sometime. Then y/n and aera went to drop Siddharth and Sakshi to their mansion it was not so far from their so they went by walking. Sakshi insisted to have a sleepover with Aera so at the end Y/n agreed and she went her home.

*Y/n pov*
Sakshi insisted me to give permission to Aera for sleepover and I can't say no to her puppy eyes so eventually I agreed then I went to my mansion did my night routine and slept. Tommorow we are again gonna have a dinner with Mr.Kim as the last one was disturbed by the drama we also want to do wedding preparations.

*Time skip next day*
Next day y/n woke up did her routine and went to Sakshi's mansion since she has to pickup Siddharth,Aera and Sakshi  from there as they also will be studying in same School as them. So they all together went to school as it was Saturday there were no uniforms so the wore something casual.

Aera and Sakshi's outfit

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Aera and Sakshi's outfit

Aera and Sakshi's outfit

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Siddharth outfit

Siddharth outfit

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Y/n's outfit.

They 3 got in the car and drove off to the school.

The car

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The car. She was driving a car as Sakshi and Aera still don't know how to drive.

*In car*
Y/n: taffy and cutie you both look so cute.
Aera and Sakshi: thank you Unnie.
Siddharth: well how do you think of bullies in your school. I mean are you also one?
Y/n: I am bullies bully I bully those who bully innocents.
Siddharth: I see you also used to bully bullies in mid school right.
(Actually Siddharth and Abhishekh were with y/n in the middle school but then they shifted to India)
Y/n: yeah I used to. Well as you see BTS are the biggest bullies in our school and also my soon-to-be-stepbrothers. They are known as Kings of the school while there is one more group whom I beat the shit out off. they are known as Red velvet and are so called queens of the school but I don't think they are gonna have that title very long.  (Smirk)
Siddharth: well I see you know I have a freind of mine there.
Y/n: oh wow what's his name?
Siddharth: Lee Jongsuk he also transfered recently.
Y/n: well I know that guy he is my freind. I mean we recently became he is bestfriend of Lee Minho aka my brother type freind.
Siddharth: I know him even I met him in some buisness deals and also Jongsuk introduce him to me.
Y/n: It will be easy for you to catch up it all then.
Siddharth: yeah.
Sakshi: Unnie when will we start our training I am really excited about it.
Siddharth: don't be so excited cutie it will be really hard you know that.
Y/n: don't worry I am not training them for mafia things so I am not gonna go much hard on them but a little bit.
Aera: what do you mean by little bit Unnie.
Y/n: you will know it soon taffy.  But dont expect it to be easy it will be hard for you in starting but eventually you will learn it. Also sometime ITZY unnies or BP unnies will be training you instead of me.
Sakshi: I don't have any problem with that as you see I am really comfortable around them.
Y/n: good to know that. You know what Eunbi is also really nice person. I met her yesterday only but I know how she is I also did a backround check so there is no threat in her you can be close to her okay?
Aera and Sakshi: okay.
Y/n: let's go we have arrived.

We enetered the school while bunch of students gathered around our car to look who it is as this car is really unique and Luxury so ofcource came to see who came. Then we parked our car and went out to see boys where drooling over Aera, y/n and Sakshi while girls were drooling over Siddharth. Those boys who were giving dirty looks to Sakshi and Aera, y/n gave them a murdourous glare and spoke


Then we enetered the school and went to take their schedule from principle.

When we got it I and Siddharth went to our class while Aera and Sakshi went to theirs. We also met BP as today TXT and ITZY are not here they are on a mission and will take some day to come.

Then I went to our class and teacher asked Siddharth to introduce himself.

Siddharth: I am Siddharth Nigam from India. Don't mess with me nor bother me otherwise you have to face my other side, and belive me you don't want to face that.

With that he came and sat beside me while girls were glaring at me while boys were glaring at him

Y/n: do you your bloody there's not a show going on here.

Many students are scared of y/n as she bet those girls in cafeteria really bad so they turn their heads towards the teacher.

Teacher: so as you all know that today you gonna get marks of your yesterday test I hope you will bring your parents signature on it.
Class: okay.
Teacher: so here are your results.
Then he gave everyone there results.

Siddharth: hey how much you got?
Y/n: 98 percent
Siddharth: woah you are still good at studies I see.
Y/n: of course I am but I am worried about Aera and Sakshi also you I know it will be hard for you all to a middle tranfer but you should give your best.
Siddharth: don't worry Sakshi and Aera both are good in studies and you know me I am also average.
Y/n: I didn't knew 90percent is known as average
He just chuckled and then we focused on the rest of the class.

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