Holding grudges

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It was quiet, for one library a bit too much. Maybe because she was the only one currently in it, besides the librarian who was sorting books at her reception desk.

Perhaps it was better that way, since there would be no loud noises to disrupt her ongoing journey for a biology book for her project.

The (h/c) haired girl already had five thick books piled up in her arms, blocking her view of where she was going. So she turned sideways and started to rumuge the shelves from the start of the large bookshelf.

“Ha! There it is!” she quietly exclaimed as she spotted the dusty book that was squeezed between other two thick books.

The girl carefully placed all her books on the library floor. She pulled out the book with a bit of force and dusted it off.

Did really nobody use this book or does this place just get dusty easily? She shook her head and stacked the enormous book on her already big pile.

“How will I stuff all these books into my backpack…?” questioned herself, but shook her head. She guessed she would find out eventually. 

She crouched and slid her hands under the pile. “Woah-” she gasped at the heavy weight of her book pile sending her backwards.

The girl heard footsteps ahead of her, assuming it was the librarian going to check what the hell is going over here.

As she collected herself, she began to walk down the book aile. But as she took another book, the unbalanced pile wobbled and the book she just took fell and sprawled out on the floor. It didn’t sound like it hit the wooden floor, more like leather. 

“Shit- I apologise for dropping my book-” Y/n went to apologise but soon stopped herself, in front of her wasn’t the older librarian lady, but a person so tall she had to crane her head up to see who it was.

And it was none other than …… Jotaro Kujo .

‘Great, I might as well start calculating my hospital bill…!’ she panicked as she froze in place. He only stared at her with his eyes with no emotion.

“Watch your stuff before you knock somebody down with it.” he sneered at her and walked past her silently.

The girl sighed and closed her eyes for a few seconds. This went way better than she expected. Now… time to check out these damned books and go home!

*at the lockers, 1.st p.o.v.*

Now that the books were taken care of, I could go home and take a nap. Nothing sounds better than that, right? 

As I was taking off my school shoes, I noticed the hallway parting like the Red sea. As far as I knew, Moses didn’t go to my school…

The once loud chattering turned into hushed whispers. I continued to do my thing, since this obviously has nothing to do with me.

While I was tying my second shoe on, I felt multiple pairs of eyes staring at me like I had two heads.

I looked up and now I realised why this was all happening. ‘No! Not him again!? What the fuck is going on!?’ my mind set off all the existing alarms known to mankind. 

Is this my last day seeing the light of the day?

“This fell out of your book while you dropped it in the library…” he said in a monotone voice as he outstretched his hand with one teared page of the biology book.

Something behind the glass surface [Jotaro Kujo x reader]Where stories live. Discover now