Phantom of the library

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*At the classroom, Wednesday, 3.rd p.o.v*

Y/n was sitting in her chair, doodling in her notebook. She blushed as she remembered yesterday's events. Who knew that hanging out with Jotaro Kujo would bring her heart to flutter and her cheeks to be bright red...

It was kind of bizarre, because if she told her past version from a few weeks ago that she would come to like the mysterious delinquent, she would call her crazy and get at least three kinds of seizures.

She had written her paper on the dolphins and today she had to return the books to the library. As the bell rang she took out her heavy books and as she was about to walk out Aiko stopped her.

"Y/n-chan! Are you going to the library? I have some books to return myself..." she giggled as she gestured to the thinner books in her arms. Y/n sighed, "Yeah, of course Aiko...". I mean what can she do? Forbid her from coming to the library?

"Great!" Aiko laughed as they both went to the library. It was strangely empty, considering this is the last week of the biology project that the third graders got, so Y/n expected at least somebody to be inside. But even the librarian was nowhere to be seen.

"Hm, I'll go to the librarian's desk to check something." Aiko said as she walked further down the huge library and Y/n placed her books on the table. It was like a heavy workout if anything.

After she lost sight of Aiko, Y/n walked to the nearest bookshelf and looked around. It was filled with mythology books. She skimmed over the one shelf to see if there was anything interesting she could borrow to read in my free time.

"Slavic mythology? Sounds cool!" the e/c eyed girl said as she went to pick up the book and  opened a random page. Y/n read some paragraphs and she felt somebody walking towards her. "Oh, Aiko- ARGH-" she howled in pain as a dull object ripped through her left shoulder.

Y/n whimpered in pain as she tried to turn around but her head was harshly slammed into the wooden bookshelf, making her hiss at the burning sensation on her stabbed shoulder. Whatever she was stabbed with was still in her shoulder and all she wanted to do was scream for help.

"My my Y/n-chan... You never listen do you? Wasn't Yamaguchi clear the last time you talked with her? I guess I'll be teaching you a lesson instead..." Aiko spat as she gripped Y/n by her hair and threw her on her stomach, face first.

Y/n tried to turn around but her head was spinning and she could feel something dripping down her forehead. "Oh, somebody's coming... I'll be taking this with me..." Aiko giggled as she pulled out the object she stabbed Y/n with, but not before jabbing it in even more.

"J...JoJo please help... me..." Y/n wheezed as the world around her turned black and her head finlay fell on the floor.

"What the hell was that...?" asked the person who entered the library. And as summoned, Jotaro Kujo came. But not empty handed, he was carrying a book for his biology project that he had to return.

'Something is off...' he thought as he scanned the library. Not a single soul was here. That was until he walked further in that he noticed an unconscious girl laying on the floor with a small pool of blood by her head and bloodied vest.

"Y-Y/n...!?" Jotaro's breath hitched as he rushed to aid the unconscious girl. Star Platinum manifested next to him and grazed over her stabbed shoulder. Whoever stabbed her must still be in the library since the stab was made not even a few moments ago.

As Jotaro was about to pick up Y/n, a chilling screech was heard from the reception table. "What the-" Jotaro got up but not without taking one last look at Y/n. He will have to take care of whatever made that horrendous scream first it seems.

Something behind the glass surface [Jotaro Kujo x reader]Where stories live. Discover now