Not one's enemy

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* p.o.v, Tuesday*

'Come on...! Ring already!' I thought in anticipation as I looked at the clock on the white wall. And frankly the bell signalled the end of the class. "Alright students, see you tomorrow!" the maths professor waved her hand and walked out.

I got up, dusted off my skirt and opened the classroom doors.

When I walked out, the hallways were crowded as usual. I tried to squeeze between the students without accidentally stepping on anybody. All of a sudden a hand grabbed my shoulder and pulled me aside,

I didn't even have time to see who it was because I was slammed into their chest.

"Y/n-chan... Glad I grabbed you just in time, or else you would be toppled over by the other students." said a familiar voice.



I looked up and I was met with Akiyama's piercing dark blue eyes. "Oh, Akiyama-san- You didn't have to..." I said as I tried to move away from him but his grip on my shoulder didn't budge.

He laughed softly and a few of his bangs fell over his eyes, "Oh, Y/n... You're always in a hurry to be somewhere.".

I laughed dryly at him and tried to wiggle out of his grip, "Yeah, what can I say? But seriously I need to go now, Akiyama-san." I told him.

This was getting more and more uncomfortable...

The halfway was now empty, since everyone went outside or went somewhere else. And now, it was just Akiyama and me.

"Why don't we go to the yard and we can hang out with my friends? And don't worry, they'll like you in a matter of seconds." Akiyama said as his hand travelled down my arm and wrapped around my waist.

Just as he was about to pull me closer, a gruff voice stopped him,

"I think she told you to let her go , jackass." said Jotaro as he walked near us. 'Thank the heavens and everything above! ' I thought as relief washed over me. Does he have some kind of sensor when I get in trouble?

Akiyama didn't budge at his words, "Oh? Well hello Jotaro, quite rude of you for interrupting our conversation over here, right Y/n-chan?" he said as he smirked in my direction. I furrowed my eyebrows slightly at him and now I used more force and wrenched from his grip on my waist.

Akiyama scoffed at us, "Oh come on, would you rather choose to go with that imbecile Kujo than me?". I raised my eyebrow and looked at Akiyama and then Jotaro. "You're really asking this question?" I asked Akiyama in beliverment.

He shrugged his shoulders, "I'm just curious, that's all.". I scoffed in disbelief, "Alright, if you want to know so badly- Let's go JoJo-" I said as I walked to Jotaro, grabbed his arm and tugged him with me.

"Alright, have it your way Y/n-chan..." Akiyama snarled as he was left standing alone.

The good thing was that the stairs to the rooftop were in our direction. "What in the fuck was that..." I puffed out loudly as we entered through the doors.

Jotaro closed the doors and I let go of his arm. "Hope that is enough for an answer to him." I said. Jotaro stiffly nodded and sat by the wall. I sighed and sat next to him. "Are you alright, Jotaro? You seem a bit too quiet even for yourself..." I asked Jotaro who only sighed,

Something behind the glass surface [Jotaro Kujo x reader]Where stories live. Discover now