Chapter 13

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                                                                                                Phoenix's POV

"He kissed me....He took my first kiss I'm not upset but the way he did it was so swift." I said as I paced around my room not really knowing how to feel just wrapping my head around what just happened, he's definitely attractive and has a nice personality but I barely know him. He'd never hurt me if he would he would've already done it when I came to the city so I know he doesn't have ill intentions. I had my first  kiss...My first kiss with a superhuman....It felt amazing, yet wrong but right..So many emotions in one setting. Generations of war and battles between the two opposites and I share a kiss with the leader of Downwind. My internalized rant was interrupted by flames coming out of my chest I never felt hot it just happened, what did Alonzo do to me?

"Phoenix we need to talk." I heard my mom say on the other side of the door I was hesitant on opening the door mainly because she chose to ignore me and have a weird attitude towards me and dad she wasn't acting like herself and it worried me. "..Ok?" I slowly opened the door and let her in she looked so sad with regret in her eyes, something I've never seen in my mom she's normally very confident and happy. "What's wrong mom come sit down." She began to cry before she got to my bed "It's your father." At first I didn't understand until I really thought about it then I began to cry too not really knowing what to do. "Mom you're lying!" She shook her head and cried harder. I went to go see my dad and found him in the hallway I ran to him and felt his pulse faintly feeling one. "MOM HE'S OK! HE'S GOING TO BE OK!" I cried tears of joy but my mom wasn't happy to hear that she just walked away muttering she needed to think more about it.

What's going on with her??

                                                                                         Diana's POV

It wasn't enough to take him out it should've I added the right amount of poison to his drink but the more I think about it he was a heavy drinker he probably didn't feel it that much I need to think more on it I'm pretty sure Phoenix is now suspicious by now I wasn't leaping for joy that he had a pulse. I know it's wrong to do this to my family but the disrespect he gave me was unnecessary I didn't deserve it and Phoenix gets all the attention envy was eating me alive it eventually engulfed me for years all I wanted was for Zion to respect me is that too much to ask? If I can't be happy then no one can. I looked at the glass and filled it with liquor not caring how much I consume at this point resorting to alcohol eased a lot of my problems while locking myself in myself in my study has also opened my eyes to a lot of reasons why Zion is mad at me so I took it upon myself to solve the problem. That little girl was constantly in my mind she never left her screams for help haunted me.

Superhumans ruined everything for me especially that little girl why is she so stuck in my head? It's been years so many years passed by and she still managed to ruin my family. I took another gulp of liquor, everything became blurry. "Why do you hate my people? You have so much hatred in your heart all I wanted was to become equals but you can't seem to wrap your head around that. Your daughter understands why can't you? And your poor husband trailed behind you. They all pay the price of your actions unfortunately, we're the sa-" "No we're not the same and if you ever think we are you're sadly mistaken!" I said to the little girl "Why don't you go back to where you came from? you're not welcome!" She shook her head "I forgive you, you know my people are happy and I want you to know you're daughter is amazing her heart is so pure she's nothing like you." I got angry just hearing about her "GET OUT!"

She vanished I was left alone slowly realizing I was always alone talking to myself. Tears came down my cheeks "Why am I like this I'm a monster..I'm sorry just-" black dots blocked my vision I slowly let sleep take over "Just please forgive me."

                                                                                                 Phoenix's POV

Mom wasn't happy dad was ok and that made me suspicious I followed her to her study but I was too slow to catch her before she closed the door I knew it was going to be a while before she would come out so I waited by the door.  A couple minutes I heard her talk to herself which worried me a lot... was she drinking or taking something to make her act this way? What she did to the superhumans was awful and she knows it it's probably eating her alive inside I just want me mom back she's so corrupted by hatred and envy I can tell. And what did she need to think about when it came to dad? I knocked on the door but got no response, I tried a couple more times before giving up walking away to care for my dad. 

Why are things so complicated?

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