Chapter 16

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                                                                                           King Zion's POV

"It won't hurt love I promise we'll be a happy family you can love me again and it'll be like when we first got together....Before she came into the picture......Do you still love me Zion?...Am I still beautiful to you?.....Zion?...Dad..Zion....Dad?! Dad?....Dad?!"

"Dad!" I bolted up in a cold sweat "Where's Diana?!, Diana?!" I looked at Phoenix and she shook her head while lookin down in tears "Mom....She's too far gone dad, she tried to kill you she..she wanted you for herself." I couldn't believe what I was hearing Diana loved me why would she hurt me? Yes I've been mean to her but only because she started this whole thing with Downwind, Phoenix hugged me tight "She's crazy don't go back to her dad please!" Everything was happening too fast "Where am I?" She looked at me as if saying not to get mad "Downwind" she said in a soft voice she kind of flinched away from me thinking I was going to yell but I couldn't yell at her she took me out of the situation.

I hugged her "Don't be scared I won't yell or get upset at you I have no idea what's going on with your mother but thank you I had no idea she was so upset but I blame myself I haven't been very nice to her so I take all the blame for that I'm sorry I put you through that Phoenix." She cried more "I didn't know she hated me that much why would she pretend to love me?"

"She really could've killed you old man not only that she could've hurt Phoenix." Alonzo..I never thought I would see his face again I know he probably has mixed feelings about me which is understandable. "I understand you might feel anger towards me and I'm sorry...Alonzo I admit I made some mistakes in the past can you forgive me?" All he could do was stare at me instead he walked up to me and punched me in the jaw twice. "Years of hating our people, years of being stuck down here forced to scrap for food, hoping and praying that we'd get your blessing to have a better life for ourselves, having to build ourselves up and suffer for you to ask for forgiveness after one action of saving your life! That's all it took?! Not your daughter telling you that you're wrong or her running away. If you ask me you and your wife are the same I just have a gracious enough heart to save you if it wasn't for Phoenix I would've left you there." 

He walked away leaving me and Phoenix alone, I looked at Phoenix waiting for her to retaliate but when she didn't I knew she agreed with what Alonzo said. "I know you agree with him but will you forgive me as well?" Sighing she got up from my side "You chose to make the bed of hatred that lasted for years and now you have to lay in it I will always love you dad but the way you handled the Superhumans was all wrong we could've helped them Alonzo is right you and mom are the same she's just a lot worse." As she walked away tears stained my face as I was left by myself.

                                                                                                Phoenix's POV

Walking away from my dad was the hardest thing I could ever do especially when I know he's hurting from all this new information, no husband should have to go through events like this but the things my parents have done have been extremely uncalled for. I walked into Alonzo's office hoping to find him sitting but instead he was destroying everything he laid his eyes on, calming him down wasn't an option he needed to let this out and I don't blame him built up anger was the worst kind. "He asked me for forgiveness when I've been wanting equality for so long, and what angers me more is the fact that I saved him...For you." He said without looking at me with his head down, tears staining his cheeks. 

I slowly walked up to him eventually hugging him from behind "I know my dad was out of line but try to understand he wants to fill the void he created, he's not perfect I know eventually all this fighting will lead to what we don't want....Which is another war, the Queen will have her way for now with the war she wants to start but she won't have it for long." Alonzo took steady breathes now finally calming down. 

He turned to me and hugged me properly "You were the only good thing that came out of this whole thing you know. None of this had to happen but it did." I couldn't help but look down not knowing what to say I just hugged him tighter. He kissed my cheek and left the room not turning back I wish I could do something to help Alonzo. I was pondering so much I didn't notice Max standing in the doorway. "If you want to know how to cheer him up here's what you do..." He whispered something in my ear and I was surprised that's what would cheer someone like Alonzo up, "Are you sure this is Alonzo you know." 

He simply nodded and left.

                                                                                                Alonzo's POV

I couldn't get mad at Phoenix she didn't know anything and I acted before thinking nothing can change that man it doesn't matter how many times he asks for forgiveness I will always see a heartless man when it comes to the King. Sitting at my desk in my office I hear a knock on the door. "Not now Max could you come back later?" I heard the door open "Max I said la-, Oh Phoenix it's you what do you need?" She smiled at me and grabbed my arm "We're going out no excuses just come enjoy the night with me." Apart of me wanted to fight back but in the back my head I already knew she'd fight back so I gave in, "Could you at least tell me where we're going?"

Shaking her head she smiled and continued to drag me around the city but I noticed she was heading out the city and towards the outskirts where there was nothing but unclaimed land and hills. "Phoenix-" "Shh no talking you do it too much." We soon reached a huge hill where the stars looked close and more beautiful I loved the stars it was always one of my favorite things about the world. 

"It's beautiful, I love the stars you know if I could stay here I would do it in a heartbeat nothing makes me calmer than this the way they look and how silent but loud they are." Phoenix looked up at me with those beautiful brown eyes she looks amazing in the moonlight but I could never tell her that without feeling nervous.

"I thought you'd like it I also brought a blanket so we can stargaze tonight we can stay here as long as you want." She doesn't know how much this makes me happy she's perfect, we soon lay down and talk about everything our pasts, our dreams, our quirks, etc. I rolled over to meet her face closing my eyes while grabbing her hand and kissing the back of it I barely know you and it feels like I've known you for years...Do you think this is the last time we'll have a quiet night like this before your mother comes for your dad?"

She sighed but smiled "I don't know that's why we have to enjoy what we have now, this moment is beautiful lets not ruin  it with something negative."  I couldn't help myself any longer I kissed her while holding her hand. Once again my flames emitted but she put her hand over my heart which calmed the flames, we let go for air and but to my surprise she hopped on my lap "Alonzo you make me feel so many emotions that  I can't quite explain and being with you makes me happy what do you think it is?" She can't be serious is she that clueless?

"It's love." I kissed her once more but this time she got bolder, she let go after a while "If this is love, do you feel the same?" She's so innocent it doesn't feel real but I admit I do feel the same way for her even though we come from different worlds I feel a connection with Phoenix.

"Of course."  

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