Chapter 18

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                                                                                    Queen Diana POV

It's been a month and I have most of my plan thought out I thought that Phoenix was joking when she took Zion from me but I can see now that she was serious. My potions have come a long way despite the constant fails and citizens I went through it's finally complete, perfect and now I wait to see Phoenix's next move Zion was mine although it is her father I was here first I have the right to my husband. I hear faint footsteps come up to my door and soon hear knocking. "Come in." And to my surprise it was one of the guards "If I may ask, I haven't seen Ross lately do you know where he's gone?" Hmm Ross...Ross?...Oh the test subject now I remember but what should I tell him I believe this one's name is George I ponder for a quick second and come up with a lie. "I sent him on a mission Downwind I don't believe he'll be back any time soon it's a long one and who knows what they'll do to him down there."

He looked at me with a baffled face "We give our lives to the Kingdom and this is what we have to do for you to be safe in this palace it's no wonder why the Princess left you have no heart for your people and probably not for the Princess either! How does the King tolerate your behavior and attitude towards your own people?!" I slowly get up from my seat and walk up to him, "Goerge was it? That's your name right?" He stammered over his words quite a bit as I got closer to him "Y-yes That's right why do you ask?" I smirked at him finally getting a few inches away from him and whispering in his ear "Because you're about to meet Ross very soon." And with that I swiftly jammed a syringe in his back and letting him fall "Be lucky I was gracious enough to put it in your back and not the neck you would've lasted a lot longer." 

I sighed while picking him up and alerting more guards to come clean him up "Downwind isn't the only one changing Phoenix what will you do in the next month?...I wonder how Zion is doing.."

                                                                                    Alonzo's POV

The old man and Phoenix have been gone for a while I was getting nervous for Phoenix anyway then something came to my mind, why did the old man call Max a mongrel anyway Max didn't do anything to him at least I don't think. "Max come here for a minute." He slowly came around the corner drinking wine he never drinks wine unless he's upset about something. "What's wrong you've got wine." He sighed not really wanting to look me in the eyes he just looked down twirling his wine "I messed up, I cut the old man's face and made him mad I called him and his wife out and now Phoenix is out there trying to fix it." I admit I was upset but not too upset because it's the old man he deserved it but Phoenix was out there taking the heat. "You should've waited for us to get back I understand your feelings about him, we all do but lets be honest here hitting, cutting anything isn't going to change what happened or what happens after this. Phoenix is living proof that there is a way out of this it only takes one person Max just trust me on this it'll be just fine." I said calmly which surprised him. "I thought you were going to yell at me or hi-" 

I punched him in the jaw sending him into the couch "Now go find Phoenix and the old man and bring them back to the tower!" "Never mind there's the hit." I was about to yell at him again until Phoenix walked in with the old man on her side "Someone take him please." Max quickly ran to her side taking him off her while I caught her before she was about to fall "You need to rest what happened?" It took her a while to answer but when she did she said that he was trying to leave and go back to the Kingdom so she knocked him out for a while  at least two weeks. I don't know what kind of magic she used but I know not to make her mad if she can do something like that.

"Have you heard anything from the Kingdom yet?" I shook my head that's what scared me the Queen was very silent about her plans not once did she say anything to us about her plan against us because we all know she has one. I don't want to wait and see what happens but as long as we don't see any signs of commotion past the boarders we should be fine. It's best we have some sort of security towards the entrance of Downwind incase there is any.

"Max could you make an announcement to the citizens and inform them that we need willing people to guard the entrance of the city incase of a threat please?" He simply nodded and proceeded to inform them.

This is going to be interesting I wonder what the Queen plans to do.

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