Chapter 2

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'Know the truth what is he talking about?' I sat down on my bed waiting for him to speak

"...Superhumans and Mages, Wizards, Witches, have been at war for the longest time our ancestors have been fighting this battle as well and with me being the King I need to protect my family, the leader of the Superhumans tried to take over the thrown of the magic world and his greed spread throughout his kind and eventually the whole community of superhumans wanted to take the kingdom and all it's secrets, riches and land. I will carry out this battle that our ancestors fought, and I won't stop until the superhumans are put in their place...Now you understand why we want to keep you safe? You're royalty and you need to be kept safe." 

I starred at my dad like he grew two heads " Dad do you know how long ago that battle was?! we live in a world where nobody knows of that story but old blood. You're holding a grudge against these people who again didn't ask to be born this way! Putting them in the lowest part of the kingdom won't do anything but make them hate us more and continue the battle you so desperately want to end." "Phoenix the power of a Superhuman shouldn't be underestimated! You have to watch them Super strength, Mind control, elemental control, all these things that come with a superhuman needs to be accounted for!" 

"Dad we're not that different from superhumans we're basically the same we just have different names and clearly different placements." 

He put his hand up telling me to be quiet and said, "I don't want to hear anymore from you in this conversation what I say is final and I need you to understand what I'm saying, I'm gracious enough to not hit you go to sleep." 

And with that he slammed by door and stomped down the stairs mumbling about how I don't appreciate the family name and how I shame the family. I continue to pack my things I don't bother to write a note because I "shame the family name" so I wait for the moon to show itself and head of the window not looking back. 

"Good evening princess Phoenix" I looked at the man and nodded "Good evening" he looked at me in confusion "What brings you outside at such a late hour?" I slowly turned around and smiled "Just out for a walk that's all" before he could say another word, I walked away from him I won't let him blow my cover with questions. 

So, this is what the kingdom looks like huh it's a more boring than I thought maybe the superhumans have a more colorful scenery.  How can anyone live so uppity and boring? 

walking around I saw so much of the kingdom the tea parties, the dances, the music all bland and has nothing that I want my parents are really old and have no style how am I their daughter?! seeing a ride I wave him down asking for a ride.

"Where to?" the driver said rudely I cleared my throat "Downwind" He turned around and when he noticed me his voice changed immediately "Of course! My apologies princess" I nodded this royalty might just be a good thing for me after all everyone respects me and not to mention the surprise on their faces are hilarious.

Downwind here I come.

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