Chapter 19

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                                                                                       One month later

                                                                                       Queen Diana's POV

It's been a month the air was crisp not a cloud in the sky and it was too quiet but not for long as I stand on the balcony of the palace I have my loyal guards ready and prepared to fight for the Kingdom no matter what happens my only goal is to get Zion and leave I don't know where to find him but it shouldn't be hard wherever Phoenix is I'll just pressure her into telling me where he is. "Your majesty they don't know your next move it's been a month now what will you do?" I sighed and played with an old toy Phoenix used to play with and soon threw it in the fireplace. "We move at nightfall this all ends tonight." "And what about the Princess?" Averting my eyes from the fireplace I look outside at the sun "This Magical Love my daughter has developed with Alonzo is the least of my worries if she wants to stay Downwind I won't stop her but she will be disowned from me and the Kingdom." 

"We will strike Downwind at Nightfall no one is to come in and no one is to go out of the Kingdom I will hand each one of you a weapon that I've created to begin the first attack and then after that I will have a group with me to search for the King then the other half will attack the city distracting them from us and once the King is captured then we can retreat back to the Kingdom." Everyone seemed to understand the plan and they prepared for tonight while I went back to my study and put together my potions while drinking alcohol "So many people will have to suffer because of your ignorance and selfishness Phoenix I hope you're ready."

                                                                                      Phoenix's POV

I paced around Alonzo's office thinking about when my mom would strike it scared me and I know it scares Alonzo. My dad was awake now and he's more hostile than ever I've never seen him like this he misses mom and I get that but the way he acts is almost childlike. "I want to see my wife and I want to see my Kingdom! You kidnapped me and put me in this dump you call a city!" I walked up to him grabbing him by the hair "If you say one more word I'm going to give you a reason to scream." All he could do was stare at me with wide eyes he then looked down a little sad and began to groan. "You don't know what it's like to be away from the person you love for two months it's hard on your heart and you feel like a part of you is missing. I just want to see her, hug her, kiss her." 

Knowing that my dad wanted this with my mom was a bit surprising especially since he blamed her for everything and made her feel so terrible just living with her. He made it seem like he didn't want to be around her and he hated everything about her. "Dad you treated her so badly how can you love her like that?" He quickly grabbed my face and squeezed tightly "I love your mother! Yes she was wrong and yes I had my faults but you don't know her the way I do, I admit I was a bad husband when it came to affection and love but that doesn't change the way I feel about her." I pushed him off of me and took some steps back "Your look on love is very flawed and you need reevaluation both of you actually." 

Alonzo walked in looking at papers and humming a tune he walked up to me and gave me a kiss on the cheek once he sat down he looked at my dad with a smirk on his face "How does it feel to have been in the lower parts of your precious Kingdom for two months I bet you miss everything about that palace." My dad scrunched his face up at him "I don't know how you survive in such a useless and rundown area it's just like I remember when Opal was sent down here." He said with venom in his words, Alonzo punched him in the jaw and grabbed his throat "I could end you right here and no one not even your daughter would care I'd watch what you say around me or did you forget what Max did to you?" He said as he reopened the cut on his cheek.

My dad was going to say something until Max ran through the door "We've been attacked there's poison everywhere near the entrance it looks like someone just threw it in aimlessly!" We all looked at each other in panic while my dad laughed "She's coming for me and there's nothing you can do! I told you to let me go but no you kept me here and now look. You all look so-" Max punched him the face knocking him out, "Really?!" As he walked up to the window he shrugged "He was getting annoying now we have two options: Prepare to fight or stay here and let that crazy lady take this city."

Alonzo quickly went to the balcony of his office to see people panicking and taking cover and some fought against the guards "Everyone we've prepared for this day now we need to use the powers we have to keep them from taking the city we're stronger fight back!" but nobody moved because of the poison. I stepped beside him and spoke "I know that the poison is hard to maneuver in but as the Princess of the Kingdom fighting is our only option we'll fight by your side we need your help!" Slowly people started to come out and fight back against the guards and citizens of the Kingdom. 

I smiled but it was wiped away when I saw my mom and a group of guards marching through the chaos.

"Are you ready?" I heard Alonzo say beside me I looked up at the star lit sky "As ready as I'll ever be." He smiled and kissed me "We got this."

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