Before the game

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Chapter 17| Before the game

Once upon a time, not too long ago—just about two evenings ago, Jeno and Jaemin had their lips locked as their third kiss was shared. Back then, Jaemin did not know that his fourth was right around the corner.

Jaemin expected another awkward distance from Jeno due to how silent and cold the drive to school this morning was but what he didn't expect was him getting dragged to the  sport team's locker room by his Jeno on a broad day light during school period.

"Hyung? Nana needs to go to the cl—"

"Can I kiss you?"

Well, that absolutely shut him up. It didn't take him long to nod his head yes and raised his chin for Jeno to catch his lips.

Same like the last time, Jeno's pace was faster and more passionate. The demeanors showed that Jeno was in hurry.

Jeno's hand moved next as he hooked around the younger's waist—which obviouly was his favorite thing to do— and pulled him closer.

It was a short kiss compared to the previous one they had shared and to Jaemin's dismay, the kiss ended with Jeno pulling away.

"Alright. That did the magic."

Jaemin confusely blinked as the kiss ended with a weird note. What just happened?

"Thanks Jaeminnie. I got to go now"

Oh, thank lord Na Jaemin was fast. He quickly pulled the agile athelte's hand and face him again.

"Hyung what was that?"

"Uh..I needed  something to calm myself and I realized kissing you did the trick since the last time. I have a basketball match to play in 3 minutes and I got nervous suddenly. "

Jaemin wasn't interested in the last part as much as the first part.

Calm him down? Isn't it supposed to make him feel excited?

And then Jaemin realized he also felt calm when Jeno kissed him the last time. It honestly did things to his heart. He remembered he couldn't even sleep as if all the nerves in his system were mismatched. But as their kiss progressed, he weirdly felt calm and Renjun confirmed to him that it was because Jaemin felt right and comfortable. So does that also mean Jeno is comfortable and feel the same as him?

Jeno was always comfortable with him so..Jaemin sadly thought it wasn't part of the possibility.

Another thing is as much as he was embarrassed to admit, he found himself in the situations where he would make out with Jeno at school that he lost count of them after their seventh.

One time it was in the boys bathroom. It was just a peck but the next time they met at lunch break, Jaemin couldn't even finish handing out Jeno's lunch since he was dragged to an empty classroom. It was a senior class room and Jaemin, of course, freaked out.

Jeno, however, calmly approached him, lifted him up until his ass was seated on one of the tables in the front row.

One great thing about his Jeno hyung was that he always asked if he could kiss him before he started anything. Even if the situation worried him, that question made him feel like he was the decision-maker to this. That feeling warmed his heart and thus, he easily gave in for the kiss. Plus, Jeno's kisses always felt so nice to him. Only after he nodded his head "yes", Jeno leaned in to overlap their lips in warmth.

Jaemin definitely improved in his kissing skills and he wasn't as awkward as before.

When Jeno started using tongue, he wasn't very familiar although he was kissed once like that. He remembered that it was in the changing room when Jeno started to suck in his tongue and Jaemin let out an embarrassing moan.

HOW LEE JENO KISSES NA JAEMINWhere stories live. Discover now