Small Kisses & Small Chances

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Chapter 3| Small Kisses & Small Chances

"Today you are taking my Baby Nana to buy some paints for his project" was Jeno's main task to do today according to his Mommy Mother Omma.

The day was Saturday and just when Jeno was dreaming about dreaming to sleep more until 12pm, his mom had to barge into his room this morning at around 8 to ruin his day.

He refused to listen but she even threatened to make Jeno sleepover at the Na's for the weekends if he didn't listen.

So here he was, putting on his clothes after shower to take that little one to the malls to find for paints.

Just what exactly did he even need?
He didn't care but wasn't the school supposed to have all the materials?

Honestly, Jaemin wasn't even that young anymore and he remembered going out by himself all the time when he was in junior grade. It was his mom who couldn't finish babying that boy.

Na Jaemin looked like a baby but technically, he wasn't anymore and he should be knowing how to go places alone by now. Sure, his round sparkly eyes with super long eyelashes made him extra baby, not to mention his squishy cheeks. Again, Jeno highly doubted that Jaemin didn't know how to go by himself. It probably must be their plan to precisely target at his sleeping schedule.

Anyway, to avoid having sleepover at the house next door, Jeno decided to be wise. He picked his ass up to wake up and get prepared to drive Na Jaemin around the town to buy what he needed.

"Omona! My baby Nana is here!"

Jeno looked at the mirror for the one last time and grabbed his car key by the side. He didn't want that small being to come upstairs to his room and annoy him.

"Lee Jeno!!"

"Lord. I know, I know"


"Wahh! Hyung. You look so good"

Jaemin complimented as soon as he saw Jeno walking down the stairs like the king he was.

His white pants hugged his attractive legs so perfectly. The black shirt was a bonus to bring out his handsome facials and ....a jean jacket on top and a snap back cap?

He quickly ran up and hugged him while snuggling up.

"Na Jaemin! Stop acting like a baby" he tried to push him away. This boy was full of affections.

Jaemin moved back a few steps and take a look at his hyung for a few seconds with a small smile on his face.

Ok..when did Jaemin get this close to me?

"We'll get going right?"

"Oh..yes! Yes,hyung. Nana needs some paints for the project"

"Then let's go"

Jaemin just couldn't take his eyes off Jeno that turned his back to him and hugged his mom to greet her.

" 'will be back home soon, mom—ouch!"

She hit his back.

"Take the baby for lunch and have fun around" she rolled her eyes and slipped in money into Jeno's pocket.

"Now go. Don't bully my baby Nana okay?" She added more.

HOW LEE JENO KISSES NA JAEMINWhere stories live. Discover now