Just Neighbors

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Chapter 20 | Just Neighbors

There is this dude from the sophomore year called Zhong Chenle.

He's a transferred student from China who has an eventful and promising life although he is only in highschool. His parents are known to be real big business icons in China and the extending of their protocols in South Korea resulted in Zhong Chenle being the "notification ringtone" of the whole school.

The boy spoke Korean like shit last year and now he's articulating the language like it's his first. Some says that he has a tall friend from the same class who would befriend him when he first arrived and taugh him Korean by bickering.

Anyway, Zhong Chenle knows everyone and anyone. That means, every tiny little news always get noticed by his ultasensitive ability to comprehend and spread news. Hence, the popular nick name "Zhong Ringtone". Most of the time, the news he carries are quite fun and entertaining. Well, he only carries fun and entertaining news and never at a cost of someone being ashamed or being a laughing stock for it.

Jaemin remembered that last week, Chenle spreaded a whole gossip of how he spotted Mark Lee from the Hocky team circulating around Jaemin's grade classes. Being a popular guy, the news spreaded like wildfire and everyone was suddenly guessing who Mark Lee's crush was and if he might take anyone out for the Varsity Party Night.

Speaking of the party night, Na Jaemin was all over the moon.

After the night Jeno confirmed that he was taking Jaemin to the party, all he could think was what he should wear.
His mom offered to help him shop some clothes and have a mother-son hangout day while they are at it on Friday evening. Hearing that, Mama Lee excitedly asked if she could join too. She had been buying Jaemin clothes since he was super duper baby and she still wanted to do the same.

The two Nas had no problem about it and they even created a separate group chat to share and match clothings they think Jaemin should wear.

Everything was going smoothly. Jaemin was on top of his studies, as usual. He turned in assignments on time and passed the tests with flying colors. The semester was almost ending and as usual, he wanted to finish off strong.

However, something was really really really bothering him.

"Jeno, your brother is here!"

Jaemin mentally rolled his eyes when the tall ass Jung Sungchan has to open his mouth to inform Jaemin's presence. He just wanted to wait for Jeno to finish his practice since Jeno would be taking them back home as usual. But a day just had to end as great as this.

Even Renjun, who was having a big crush on that tall ass giant seemed annoyed. However, Jaemin understood that he still didn't have the full right to act arrogant or bratty about it yet.

True that their relationship was advancing behind everyone's eyes.
They agreed to be each other's date for the party, shared kisses, and now even begining to "try out" if they might work after the party. But the main thing was, everything happened  behind the scene. And no, Jaemin did not have this mentality that his relationship status had to be public.

The issue he was bothering about concerned how everyone still regarded him as Jeno's "younger brother".

As Renjun disappprovingly pointed out, "not even as cousins?" And Jaemin wanted to hit his friend with a shovel for not helping out anything.

Jaemin thought everything would change once Jeno told his friends that he would be taking Jaemin to the party.
He imagined all the surprise faces and even rehearsed what he would say or explain if anyone questioned why Jeno would be taking him for the date. That way, he might actually be able to clean up that he never really was Jeno's related brother although a close neigbor.

HOW LEE JENO KISSES NA JAEMINWhere stories live. Discover now