Rule No. 1: Never Let The Enemy Distract You [Leo Valdez]

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I am currently struggling with ideas. I would totally appreciate it if you would give me some ideas. Nico x Reader ideas has been crowding up my mind! Anyways, here's Leo for you... I'm sorry if it sucks. I'm losing ideas.
Tonight was Capture-the-Flag night. You were assigned to be the guard of the flag, along with Marcus, your half-sibling.

"Why do we have to be the guards? We could be useful in fighting out there." You watched as Marcus walked around the tree, complaining as he walks. "I mean, I am kinda fast. I'm also good with the sword."

"You know what? Stop complaining!" you said, smacking him in the forehead. "You may be fast but you're always distracted. There's a reason why they assigned you—us—here."

"I don't care what you say," he said. "I'm still complaining."

You rolled your eyes. "You know what? I'm leaving. You're staying here!" You stood up and walked away.

"(y/n)! Wait!" he called. "Don't leave me here!"

"Just guard the flag!" you yelled. He immediately shut up as you made your way to the battle. Marcus knew that if you walk away, you won't come back.

You sneaked pass the battle that was going on in the middle of the forest. You were even surprise that nobody noticed you. They were all busy beating each other up. You could even see the Aphrodite cabin, fighting their way pass the borders.

Quickly, you ran away from the fight, hiding from tree to tree. All the archers of the Blue Team were busy patrolling the west side of the forest, making it easier for you to pass through without getting in trouble.

"And I'd risk it all!" a voice sang. "I'd rather crash, I'd rather crawl. . ."

Curiously, you followed where the voice came from.

"Than never have your love at all. . ."

"With only bricks to break my fall," you sang along when you came closer to the voice.

"For you I'd risk it all." A boy whistled the tune of the song as he sat on the branch of the tree, snapping his fingers to the beat.

"Leo?" Your voice came out louder than you expected. You never even had time to hide.

"(Y/n)?" Leo asked. "What are you doing here?"

"Why are you singing a song from That Vamps?" you asked. It was a habit of yours to answer a question with a question.

"It is disrespectful to answer a question with a question," he said. "Since I asked first, you answer first."

You shook your head in disbelief. The smile on your face never disappeared. "I—I was just walking by and. . . and I heard you singing 'Risk It All'. I just—I just got, you know, curious." The last part came out like a question.

"You sure?" He raised an eyebrow. You glared at him instantly. You hated people who could do that. You never learned how to.

"It's boring to guard a flag you know!" you said.

"I know," he said, coming down the tree. "That's why I ended up singing 'Risk It All'."

"Same here."

"So, how did you passed by the battle?" He beckoned you to sit beside him.

"I just walked on the side," you simply said.

"You just walked?" You nodded. "On the side?"

"Yep!" you said, popping the 'P'.

"You're crazy!"

"You're crazier!"

He grumbled something that you barely even heard.

You both talked for awhile. You barely even noticed what was going on. You don't even know if the game was over.

Then, there was silence. You looked up to Leo. His eyes were closed. Was he asleep? Slowly, you moved away from him, stepping lightly. You walked silently to the flag. The silk was soft and smooth, but tough. You pulled it from the rock and slowly crept away.

"Going somehere, (l/n)?" You looked at Leo. He was now standing, a knife in his hand.

"Oh, really? You dare?" you asked.

"Yes, I do," he said, stepping in front of you, so both of you were close together. He held a hand out.

You rolled your eyes and sighed. But instead of handing out the flag, you used your free hand to pull him into a kiss.

"Whoa." He stood there dumbfounded.

"Bye, Valdez!" you yelled and quickly ran away, laughing as he called your name. Sure, he was a fast runner, but you were faster.

A few of his teammates realized what was happening and began to block you. They swung their swords pass you and shot a few arrows. You have no idea what was going on with you, but your reflexes worked well. You dodged the swords and arrows, jumping over rocks and bushes. You were in your adventurous side.

When you were almost near the creek, you saw that a girl from the Ares cabin was on the other side, the flag on her hand. You quicken your steps, jumping over rocks and avoiding the other campers.

When you were about to jump into the water, a hand held you by the collar. Your grip on the flag tightened.

"Caught you!" Leo teased.

His smirked turned into a frown when you smirked. "Jessica!" A blonde girl turned, her hand reached out for the flag as you threw it.

"Damn it!" Leo yelled. "Why do ya gotta be smart?" He slowly released you.

"Girls are smarter," you said with a bow. "And rule number one; never let the enemy distract you." You smirked and walked towards your team as they carried you, chanting your name.

You turned to Leo as he stood there, soaked in water and smiling. He mouthed: Next time. And ran away. You could feel your cheeks burning.

Did the kiss meant something?

Damn it! Im sorry if it sucked. I have been dealing with a lot of stuffs and all I could think of is Nico Do Angelo! I even tried to convert one of my Nico ideas into Leo Valdez one and it didn't turn out that well! I don't even know if Leo has a good eye or even strong enough to pull a girl by the collar! I feel dumb!

I am super sorry! I just need ideas!


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