Finally Found

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Vanessa age 17
My moms and I are moving today. They are opening their own salon across town, in Washington Heights. Their salon is five blocks from the river and two blocks from 181st street. Our new apartment is across the street.
I am excited to start my junior year at a new school. Last year was rough. Not only did I have to repeat my sophomore year, but somehow, my past came to light, and the bullying become bad. It got to the point, I began to have suicidal thoughts. I never got to the point of trying anything, but that is because I can talk to Mama and Mami. They got me in therapy, and on some anti depressants. I think that is the biggest reason we are moving.
"Mami, can you come help me? I can't reach this last item in my closet."
"Of course Chaparrita."
"Ha... Ha. I am almost as tall as you. I am just not loca and wear four inch heals."
She grabs my picture of my mom, and kisses my head. "Are you almost ready?"
"Let's go then. Dani is waiting."

We load up the moving van with our last boxes, and take the train to our new stop. Around three thirty, I get hungry.
"Mama, I am going to head down to the bodega and get a snack and a coffee."
"Will you grab me a cola?"
"Of course. Do you want anything Mamí?"
"No thanks."
I walk out and go to the bodega down the block. As I walk, I notice so many people, sitting on their stoops. They are talking, some are playing music, and others are just watching people walk by.
I walk into the bodega, and find my favorite snack. I grab a coffee cup and mama's soda. As I lay the stuff on the counter, I see a bear on the back shelf that looks very familiar.
"Be with you in a moment," a voice yells.
"I know that voice." I think to myself.
A minute later, a tall skinny man walks to the counter. "Sorry about that, I...."
I drop the candy in my hands at the sight of him. It is him. It is my best friend. It is someone I haven't seen in four years.
"Vanessa!?" He asks, walking around the corner, looking as shocked is I feel.
"Yeah, it is me." I say,
He is about five feet from me when we both freeze. Then, he smiles, and I run into his arms. I wrap my arms and legs around him as he squeezes me tight, burying his face in my neck.
"Oh my god. I.... I never thought I would see you again." I cry. "You never wrote me. Why did you never write?"
He is silent for a long time. I get down, and he stares at me. "Why did you never write?"
I ask again.
"I'm so sorry Vanessa. After I went with my parents, I things became chaotic. My parents immediately took me back to the Dominican Republic. On the way, the card got lost. I tried to call Camilla's office, but I couldn't find her. I had no way to get ahold of you. I am so sorry Vanessa. I am so so sorry."
"Hey, it's okay. I am just happy I found you now."
"What have you been up to?"
"Well, I was adopted by the same couple who took me in. Daniela is now my Mama, and Carla is Mami. A few years after everything, Jake and Amy surrendered their parental rights, so my moms could finally adopt me."
"I am so happy for you Vanessa. You have no idea  how much I have missed you."
"It's the same for me. I have dreamed of you for years now. The day Matthew was sentenced, was one of the days I missed you the most. Also, the day I was adopted. All the good, and all the bad days, I wished you were there. Where have you been?"
"Well, I spent two years in the Dominican Republic. After, we moved back here and opened this bodega."
"You own this? Are your parents here? Can I meet them?"
His face drops at this. "They died last year. They both caught e-coil last year in the bad break out. Neither one were able to fight it off. They died."
"Oh Usnavi, I am so sorry."  I wrap him in my arms, and he weeps. He stops when he hears the chime of the door.
"Mijo, what is wrong?"
He stands up and wipes his eyes. "Abuela, this is Vanessa."
"The Vanessa you told me about? The one you lived with?"
"Yeah," he says smiling.
"Alabanza! It is so great to meet you!"
I feel my cheeks flush. I hear the chime for four, and jump.
"Oh! My moms are going to be worried sick. I need to get home! Usnavi, can I take you home and introduce you to them?"
"Sure, if that is okay?"
"They would love to meet you. I have told them all about you."
"Abuela, what would you like? I can get it for you real quick."
"I just brought you a snack mijo. I know how you forget to eat. Okay, you go with Vanessa. I will lock up."
"Are you sure?"
"Yes mijo! Go!"
He kisses her on the cheek, grabs my hand, and I lead him home.
We walk in the house, as Mamí comes down the hall. "Vanessa, where have you been? We were starting to.... Who is this?" She says, smirking. I realize I am still holding his hand, and blush again.
"Mamí, I would like you to meet Usnavi."
"Usnavi, you mean, the Usnavi. The same one who helped you?"
"Yeah. He owns the bodega."
She pulls him into her arms and hugs him tight. "Thank you! Thank you for taking care of our daughter, before she was ours." She pulls back and kisses each cheek.
He looks stunned, but smiles.
"Dani, get out here!"
"Yes Cariño?"
"Mamí , meet Usnavi. Yes, the same one." I say, before she can ask.
"Usnavi, you will forever have free haircuts at our salon, if you want."
"Mama, Mamí, don't embarrass me." I say, feeling my face blush.
Mama laughs and kisses my head.  When talk, when A few minute later, she looks at me.
"Hey, where is my cola?"
"Umm, sorry Mama!"
She just laughs. "That's okay. Usnavi, would you like to join us for dinner?"
He smiles and nods. He then holds my hand and we talk the entire way home.

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