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Vanessa age 21 the next day
After a slow, but passionate start to the day, Usnavi and I decided to get up and go check on Abuela. She is in the kitchen making coffee.
"Good morning Abuela."
"Ninos, I am so glad you are up. I was just about to make some breakfast. How are you and the bride to be?"
I go to hug her. "Hi Abuela. I'm amazing this morning."
"I am so happy for you and Usnavi. You two are going to have beautiful children one day. I just hope not too soon. Enjoy your engagement. You have only been engaged a day."
I feel my face flame at this. "Abuela!"
The realization that she probably heard us, hits me hard.
She just laughs and pats my arm.
"Mijo, have everyone come over tonight. I have food I want to cook before it goes bad. Luckily, I have a gas stove."
"Okay Abuela. We will be over."
"Mamí and Mama will love to come over. Any time they don't have to cook, they are happy."
Abuela laughs at this.
"See you tonight Abuela." Usnavi says, kissing her cheek.
As we walk our, I lean over to Usnavi. "You need our own place."
He laughs and kisses me.
"We need our own place."
I spend several nights a week with Usnavi but haven't moved in with him full time yet.
"We could do that, I think."

The power remains off all day. Usnavi has a generator which keeps us busy. Around five, my moms and I head over to Abuela's. There, Nina, Camilla, and Abuela are cooking on the stove.
"Hola!" I say, walking I.
"Hi Mija," Abuela says hugging me. "Where is Usnavi?"
"He should be here soon. He has to put the generator, at his store up, before he can come. How are you Abuela? You look tired."
"I have been telling her that all afternoon. She won't listen to us to go rest."
"Nina, I am fine. I promise."

Later that night, after dinner and some games, Abuela looks ready to drop.
"Usnavi, Abuela is exhausted. Convince her to go rest for a bit. We are okay."
"I agree," he says. "I will be right back."
Minutes later, Abuela announces that she is going to rest, but wants us to hang out. We all give her a hug and a kiss.
Usnavi walks her to bed. Five minutes later, he comes out for a glass of water. I follow him.
"How is she?"
"Exhausted. She needs water and her meds."
I find the medication and hand it to him. He is back there less than a minute before I hear him yell, "DANIELLA! DANIELLA, CALL 911! CALL 911!"
I see her pull her phone out, as I run back to Usnavi.
"I'm here Abuela. Stay with me." He whispers to her. "Come on Abuela. Don't do this."
"Navi, what's wrong?"
"She's hardly breathing."
I go over and sit next to her and hold her hand. "Come on Abuela. Please wake up." Usnavi cries.

The ambulance arrives and quickly takes her to the hospital. Usnavi rides with her and the rest of us walk the five blocks to the hospital. When we arrive, I see Usnavi sitting on a chair, head in his hands. I rush over to him and wrap my arm around him. He looks up at me broken. "She's gone. Abuela is gone."
I pull Usnavi to my chest and hold him as he cries. I look up and see everyone embracing each other. Nina is taking it just as hard as Usnavi. Benny is holding her close. Kevin and Camilla trying to comfort her. Mama and Mamí are holding each other. Mamí is sobbing as mama has tears falling silently down her cheeks.
"Goodbye Abuela," I say silently.

Vanessa age 21 December
I am working in the salon, when I look up and see Nina walking in.
"Oh good, you're home!"
"Yeah, I have been calling you all morning. Why haven't you been answering your phone.
"Sorry, I forgot it at Mama's. I just haven't had a chance to go get it."
"Are you free for lunch? I need to talk to you."
"Yeah. Just let me finish with my customer and I will be ready."

Half an hour later, we are at our favorite diner.
"What's going on Nina. You look more stressed than normal."
"I... I'm pregnant." She whispers.
"I'm sorry, it is just so unexpected. Are you sure?"
"Yeah. I have been to the doctor in Stanford. I am three months along."
"Is Benny?"
"Does he know?"
"Not yet. We broke up last month, before I found out. Long distance relationship are hard."
"You have to tell him. He's the father. How did your parents take it?"
"They don't know yet. They are going to kill me Vanessa."
"No, they adore you. They may be a bit angry at first, but they are going to support you."
"I'm scared Vanessa."
I move to the seat beside her and hug her. "I know. Things will be okay. You can still finish college. You can still get your degree."
"Vanessa, will you come with me to tell Benny?"
"Of course Girl."
"Thank you."

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