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Vanessa age 28 March
In the last five years, life has changed so much. My moms unfortunately ended up having to close the salon and end up working for someone else. The cost of rent on the building became too much and they have been unable to find an affordable building. Mamí was upset about the change, but Mama said things will be okay and eventually, they will get their business back. For now, they work at two different salons but still enjoy their jobs. They live with us now, but I love having them there.
Benny and Nina eloped last year, after finding out they were pregnant with their son. They now have Claudia and baby Benjamin. Nina graduated college with her law degree and is now a lawyer who specializes in immigration. Benny has opened his own car service and is thriving.
As for Usnavi and I, the store is doing well. We have been in no rush to start our family. I love being married. I get to spend every day with my best friend.
In the last few months, I have started to daydream about being a Mama. Usnavi and I have talked about it. We are to the point where we are exactly trying, but not stopping it either.

Mamí and I are talking about work when something strikes me. I realize I didn't have my period last month and should currently be on one. My face must have given it away.
"What is it Mija?"
"I just realized I'm late."
"Oh. How late are you?"
"About six weeks. I didn't have one one last month and I'm two weeks late this month."
"Do you think you might be pregnant?"
"I don't know. Maybe?"
"Why don't we go buy a pregnancy test and find out?"

Two hours later, Mamí is holding my hand as we wait for the test to finish. We went a little ways away to buy the test, so Usnavi would not be suspicious.
When the timer goes off, we both look at each other.
"You ready Mija?"
I nod. I look at it stunned for a long time.
"I'm pregnant. Oh my god, I'm pregnant!" I say excitedly.
She wraps me in her arms. "I am so happy for you."
"Thanks. Now, I need to tell Usnavi and Mama."
"How about I make a special dinner for tonight?"
"Thank you Mamí. That would be amazing."
I look at the clock and panic. "Crap. Usnavi was expecting me ten minutes ago. I have to run."
"Have a good day at work."
I hug her. "Love you."

That night, Usnavi and I walk in and it smells amazing. Mamí walks out of the kitchen a moment later.
"Carla, what's the big occasion?"
"You'll see."
"Is Mama home yet?"
"She called and is running late. She should be home in about ten minutes.

Forty minutes later, we have just finished eating.
"Carla, that was amazing.Thank you. I have to ask though, what is the occasion?"
She looks at me. "Ready Mija?"
"What are you two up to?" Usnavi asks.
"You will see. I will be right back."
I run back to our room and grab the test.
"Okay, Mama and Usnavi, sit next to each other, and close your eyes."
"Mama, please, just trust me."
"Okay, okay." She laughs.
They close their eyes. I place the test on the table  in front of them.
"Okay, open your eyes."
They both stare at the test for a second. Then Mama screams with excitement and runs to hug me. "I am going to be an Abuela!"
"Yeah Mama. You are going to be an Abuela." I laugh and kiss her head. "You are going to be an amazing Abuela.
"Maybe I should be Abuela and Dani be Abuelita. She is the short grandma." Mamí jokes.
I laugh. "I will let you two figure that out."
"Wait... what?" Usnavi says, still staring at the test.
I laugh, walk over and wrap my arms around. "What are you thinking daddy?"
He instantly starts crying.
I sit in his lap and he hugs me to him. I wipe his face in my hands. "You are going to be an amazing daddy."
He kisses me and lays his hand on my belly. "I love you so damn much. I can't wait to meet our daughter."
"What makes you think it is a daughter?"
"A daddy knows," he grins. "Hey, stand up."
"Okay," I say smiling.
He proceeds to get on his knees and places both his hands on my belly. "I can't wait to meet you Babygirl."
He kisses my belly and I stroke his hair, smiling at him.

Vanessa age 29 December
"Hmghhhh." I groan, as another contraction rips through my body. Usnavi is in the hospital room with me. It is almost Christmas morning. My contractions started late last night. It have been in labor for twenty five hours now."
"Mrs Delavega, it is time to push."
"Finally," I think to myself. I take Usnavi's hand, prepare myself mentally, and push.

An hour and a half later, I'm in an indescribable amount of pain. I hear people talking around me but I'm too tired to care. I couldn't have an epidural. Im allergic to one of the ingredients and react badly to it. We learned that when I had to have my appendix out two years ago. One of the ingredients in the anesthetic in also in what they give for an epidural.
"Vanessa, baby, come on. You need to push," I hear Usnavi say.
"Usnavi, I can't do it anymore. I'm too tired. It hurts too much."
"I know Amor but soon we will have our daughter."
He kisses my head as I feel myself start to drift in and out of consciousness. I can feel my body needing to push, but I don't feel I have the strength to do it anymore.

After a while, I feel hands grab my face. "Vanessa Mariana Ortega Delavega, don't you give up now. You can do this. You need to push."
"Mama? I can't do it. I am too tired."
"Vanessa, they have been trying to get you to push for nearly 30 minutes. You have made almost no progress. Honey, if you don't start pushing, you could lose this baby. I know you don't want that."
She gets behind me and taps my face a bit, trying to wake me up. I also feel a cold cloth on my face.
"Now, you need to push."
On my next contraction, mama pushes me forward, making me push. I scream and scream, but the doctor says I am finally making progress. Within ten minutes, I finally feel relief as the baby comes out. I lean back into Mama and cry.
"You did it honey. It is over. I am so proud of you honey," she says, kissing my head.
My whole body is shaking as they place the baby on my chest.
"We have a beautiful daughter Vanessa." Usnavi says, kissing me.
I place my shaking hands on her back.
"Hi Lucia. I... I'm your.... Mama."
A moment later, my vision goes black and I have just enough time to tell Usnavi to grab the baby before I pass out.

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