Chapter 23

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****Rosalie's POV****

Julie and I pulled into the parking garage of Centre Bell.

"Are you excited?" I asked.

"I'm very excited. This is my first time watching him play since last season." she said.

"I just hope that Nathan's knee is better from practice." I said.

"What happened?" She asked.

"At practice when they were doing sprints P.K. accidentally skated right into Nathan. When he got off the ice, and into the trainer's room his knee was swollen. But it looked better last night, and this morning." I explained.

"I wouldn't worry about it then." Julie said.

We got parked the car, and went inside the Bell Centre. We sat in the WAGS box. See everyone thinks that we are a bunch of stuck up bitches, but these girls are the closest thing I have to sisters. Even though some weren't that excepting in the beginning, they are now. The one I'm closest with besides Julie is, Maripier. She keeps bugging me to contact her agent because she thinks I have what it takes to be a model like. I have to keep reminding her that I still play hockey so I would have no time.

"Oh my god it is so good to see you again." Angela said hugging me.

"I know it's been along time since you've come to a game." I said.

"So I heard the good news about getting on McGill's men's team." She squealed clapping her hands.

"Congratulations." came from all the girls.

"Thank you."

"So how did it go?" Maripier asked.

"I met the team today at the gym, and tomorrow I have my first practice with them on the ice." I said.

"Are you nervous?" Katia asked.

"Yeah it must be scary getting back on the ice with guys again." Lucie said.

"I'm a little bit scared, but super pumped. I've missed playing so much." I said.

"I know how you feel." Lauren, Dale Weise's girlfriend said.

"You played?" I asked.

"Yeah I grew up playing. During the lockout Dale went to play in the European league. I went with him and I played for Tilburg Trappers women's team." Lauren explained.

"Wow that must have been great."

"Yeah, I wish I could play again, but I've got these guys to look after now." She said gesturing to her son and daughter.

"If you ever want to come to practice I could probably get you in." I said.

"Yeah, and I could watch the kids." Julie said.

"That sounds great." Lauren said.

"I will have to ask my coach first then I will let you know." I told her.

"Awesome, thank you so much."

"It's no problem."

The arena became dark, and the boys flooded the ice. The opponent tonight was the Tampa Bay Lighting. For some reason the Canadiens just can't play well against this team. They swept them in the playoffs last year, but just can't do anything against them this season.


It is now the third period, and they were being slaughtered. Tampa is winning 4-1 with five minutes left.

"Come on boys." I yelled in frustration.

More than half of the girls have left because they just couldn't take it anymore.

With three minutes left Jacob De La Rose scored. Right after him Pacioretty scored and Katia cheered. We just needed one goal to tie it up to go into overtime. We were all on the edge of our seats just hoping for one more goal. I think the whole Bell Centre was too.

"Please, please, please." I whispered.

Now with two minutes Stamkos made a stupid mistake and now the Habs were on the powerplay. And we were starting in Tampa's zone. Right from the face off the puck was passed to Nathan. He did a slap shot and the entire Bell Centre erupted with cheers. My boy just scored the goal that kept them in the game.

"Yes! We are not going to lose to them this time." I screamed bouncing around the box.

In overtime my nightmare came true. His injury came back. Filppula went right up to Nathan slashed his knees. He fell to the ice in pain. It didn't help that after he fell, Filppula kicked his head pretty hard.

"Oh my god. I have to get down there." I said jumping out of my seat and ran down to the elevator.

I got down to the locker area after showing my pass. I was shaking and couldn't stop.

"Are you Rosalie?" A familiar looking girl asked me.

"Yes I am."

"I'm the new trainer, Lelia, as I think you may recall."

"Oh yes you're the one that flirting with Nathan to get to Brendan."

"Yep that's me. I'm really sorry about that. "

"No hard feelings. It actually lead to the best date I've ever been on. Anyways, can I see him?" I asked.

"How about this. They are delivering him in a ambulance to the hospital, if you go now you can follow them all the way there." Lelia said.

"Why can't I ride in the ambulance?"

"You aren't allowed to." she said.

"Okay, thank you." I said running out to the parking garage.

Before I left I texted Julie.

To Julie👯💁:Going to the hospital, but I have to take the car. Get a ride back with Lars. Sorry

God was I scared for Nathan.

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