Chapter 24

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****Nathan's POV****

My head was spinning, my vision was blurry, but all I knew was Rosalie. I can't remember anything else but her.

"Rosie where are you, I need you!" I screamed out in pain.

"Nathan can you hear me?" A voice said.

"Rosalie?" I asked.

"He can't see properly. Can someone find out who this Rosalie is that he's talking about?" The voice said.

"She's my girlfriend, please call her!" I yelled in agony.

"What's her number?" The voice asked.

"538-234-099, 538-234-099, 538-234-099." I kept repeating.

"Give me my phone."

****Rosalie's POV****

I was on my way to the hospital following the ambulance when my phone started ringing.

"Hello who is this?" I asked.

"This is Lelia."

"Oh my god, how is Nathan?" I asked.

"All he is doing is asking for you and screaming out in pain."

In the background I could hear Nathan's scream, and it stung my heart.

"Please get him there as fast as you can." I choked out, tears streaming down my face.

"We are trying." Lelia said and hung up.

I got to the hospital, parked the car, and ran into the emergency room.

"Hello my boyfriend Nathan Beaulieu was just brought to this hospital after getting injured in his game. Do you know where he might be?" I asked the nurse at the front desk.

"Unless you have consent from the team or his family, I cannot tell you that information." She said.

"Are you kidding me?" I yelled.

"Sorry miss but I'm going to have to ask you to leave." She said.

"No I m staying right here." I said, getting in her face.

She pressed a button and two big security guards grabbed me and grabbed me out in to the parking lot.

"This is not fair!" I screamed.

I went back to my car and broke down in tears.


I burst through the apartment door, ran past Lars and Julie and went straight to my room.

"Rosalie come back down here please." I heard Lars says.

"I don't want to talk about it." I replied.

I collapsed onto my bed, sobbing. My boy was hurting and can't be there to ease his pain. He was there for me when I needed him most, but I couldn't be there for him. There was a knock at the door and I felt someone sitting besides me on the bed.

"What happened Little Rosie." Lars said rubbing my back.

"They won't let me see Nate." I sobbed.

"Why not?" He asked.

"I need consent from his family or the team. And when Lelia called me she said that all he was asking for was me. I heard him screaming in pain. I broke my heart because I can't be there for him like he was there for me." I cried.

"Rosie you know that I could just called Bergevin and he could get you in to see him." Lars said.

"What? Okay let's go, you're driving because I'm a mess right now." I said throwing him my keys.

We got to the hospital and I marched right up to that nurse and stuck the phone in front of her with Lars in tow.

"Believe me now?" I smirked.

"He's in surgery right now, but you can wait on the fourth floor in the surgery waiting room." I huffed.

"Thank you."

Lars and I sat down in the waiting room. About an hour and a half later a nurse came out.

"Is there anyone here for Nathan Beaulieu?" She asked.

Me, Lars, the team doctors, and trainers all stood up.

"Okay so so far we know that he has a torn ACL and a concussion. The tear is pretty bad so he's going to be out for the rest of the season. It approximately a six to nine month road to recovery." the nurse explained.

"No! This can't be happening." I cried and fell in Lars' arms.

"Shhh." He said and carried me over to the chair I was sitting in before. "This isn't anybody's fault."

"Why did this have to happen to him." I sobbed into Lars' sweater.

"Just think after those six months he's going to be a lot better. He's can only get better from here. We have the best trainers and doctors to help him heal."

"I guess you're right. God I'm a mess." I said whipping my eyes.

"Yeah you look like a panda." Lars laughed.

"Oh geez." I said looking at myself on my phone. "I'll be right back."

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