~ 𝑀 𝑂 𝑅 𝑁 𝐼 𝑁 𝐺 𝑆 ~

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I awoke to the sound of Tubbo humming from in the kitchen..
I smiled and took a moment to lay in bed and listen to his humming.

He's so cute.

I eventually got up and went to the kitchen to see that Tubbo was making breakfast for Michael and I.

"I see that you haven't burnt the house down yet.."
I teased.

He rolled his eyes and chuckled.
"Well good morning to you too, dumby..."

I chuckled and wrapped my arms around him from behind, hugging him as I leaning down to rest my chin on his shoulder,

"I'm kidding.. Thanks for cooking for us, Tubbs."

"No problem, boss man.."
He said before I kissed his cheek and gave him one last little squeeze, then walked to Michael.

As soon as Michael spotted me he ran over and hugged my leg tightly.

He cheered energetically.

I laughed,
"Looks like somebody's a morning person.. How'd you sleep little guy??"
I asked as I bent down and scooped the piglin into my arms.

"I slept good!! But I had a scary nightmare.."
He said,

"Oh no.. What was the nightmare about?"
I asked softly.

"There was a big monster and it was chasing me!! But then you and Papa Tubbo ran in and you scared the monster off!"
He explained frantically.

"Well.. that sounds like quite the nightmare. That must've been pretty scary, huh.."
I said with a small smile.

He nodded vigorously.
"It was..! But it was cool when you and Papa saved me!!"

I chuckled and twirled him around playfully, making him giggle.

"Well you can always count on us to protect you..."
I told him.


I look over and see my boys playing around..
I smile at the sight and quickly serve up the breakfast.

I quickly run up and attempt to tackle Ranboo playfully, but that's when I remembered that I was just barely half the size of him.

Micheal then jumped and grasped onto both Ranboo's horns,

"Agh-! Hey! Ow— Don't tug on them!"
Ranboo said while laughing,

"Yeah! Grab em' by the horns, Michael!! Atta' boy!"
I cheer evilly with a chuckle.

Ranboo twists around to look at me, since I was still holding onto him from behind from my failed sneak attack.

"Hey!! You're not supposed to be on his side- Michael! watch the ears!!"
He tried to say through his laughs before Michael seemed to find his ears,

Then I figured out his kryptonite...


And with that, he fell to the ground.

I gave Michael a high five before we both flopped down on top of Ranboo,
We all were a heaping pile of laughter and giggles.

Then before we knew it, Ranboo scooped both of us into a tight hug,

"..You two are a handful. I don't know what I'm gonna do with either of you."
Ranboo teased making me and Michael giggle.

I got up and helped Ranboo up while Michael jumped up without any struggle.

"Alright, alright.. How about we eat some breakfast before we have anymore fun, Eh?"
Ranboo said smiled at us both.

Michael jumped for joy before sprinting over to the table.

"Hey! No sprinting in the house Michael! You'll hurt yourself."
I reminded with a shout after him

"Sorry papa!!"
He shouted back.

I snickered to myself before I turned my attention over to Ranboo, who then put his arms around me with an exaggerated sigh,

"You truly are a handful, you know that?"
He said with a smirk.

I grinned proudly and scrunched up my nose at him teasingly.

"But I'm your handful. Forever!!"
I said as I pointed to the ring on my horn as a reminder to him.

He laughed and kissed my forehead.

"..I wouldn't have it any other way."

𝑂𝑛𝑒 𝑆𝑡𝑒𝑝 𝐹𝑜𝑟𝑤𝑎𝑟𝑑 | C!RANBOO X C!TUBBO | ONESHOTS |Where stories live. Discover now