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Another Person's POV

Everyone was awestruck after looking at the heir of the Daichapanya family. He's the heartthrob and the billionaire of this generation.

His parents passed away when he was only ten and since that day his Aunt made sure to fulfill his every need and demand.

He was living the life that every man wants in his life but was it ever enough for him.


Ming had a bad habit of obsession. He loves claiming things as his own and making sure that they'll be his forever. After leading his companies to a higher standard he had everything but not only that one person.

It wasn't enough for him to see him from far only. He wants him to be his only. He wants to mark him in his name.

Mingkwan Daichapanya was not only obsessed with him but madly in love with him.

"I don't!!"

Ming shouted at his manager who was looking at him hopelessly.

"Ming, we can't just make him your Assistant when you already have one."

He tried to tell him. Ming rolled his eyes at his manager. He looked at him and said pretty commonly.

"Then gave her vacation. Doesn't she want to have a family? Just gave her a break."


"That's your job to make sure that happens, Forth. I am not paying to give me reasons. Just solve the damn! problem for fuck sake...!"

Ming shouted at him. Forth sighed helplessly. He can't keep up with Ming sometimes.

"Okay, as you say, Sir."

He said and walked out of Ming's office. Ming sat down in his seat and started reading the file of the new employee in his hand.

"Mew... Suppasit.... You can't get away from my grasp...."

Ming looked at the picture of the man in the file with a wide smile.


"Good Morning, Sir."

Mew greeted his boss. He looked up and saw the beautiful man in front of him. Ming was looking gorgeous in that tight black suit wrapped gracefully around his thin waist.

"I am happy to see you early in my office."

Mew bowed to him. Ming smiled and stared at Mew for a minute before walking to his desk. Mew handed him the files he needs to check and sign. Everything was going smoothly until it come to lunch break.

Ming walked out of his office and headed to Mew's cabin. Mew was surprised to see Ming at lunchtime time.

"Do you need something, Sir...?"

He asked him nervously. Ming's eyes beam seeing Mew nervous around him but he composed himself and said.

"Yeah, You...!"

"Excuse me...?"

"Just kidding, I want you to come with me for lunch to know each other better."

Mew was dumbfounded hearing Ming's sweet voice. He never thought that he could get a job in one of the biggest companies and specifically as the CEO's assistant job but here he is.

"I would love to go with you, Sir but I have to complete some reports for the clients."

Mew said apologetically. Ming clenches his fist and nods his head. He walked back to his office and threw his coat in anger. Mew was the first one who rejected his offer.

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