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Another Person's POV

Ming needs to come company on Sunday because of some urgent issue. He left Harry with Phana and Forth. He was sitting in his office going through documents.

Mew enters his office. Ming looked at him and saw dark circles around Mew's eyes. He remembers what Forth told him to do but how will he going to do that.

Mew is married and he can't just stand in front of him and say that Harry's their son. Ming was lost in his thoughts.

Mew was looking at Ming and observing the way his eyebrows are frowning. He knew Ming does this whenever he overthinks.

He talked with his lawyer friend about his and Gulf's divorce. His friend told him that it will not take long if Gulf is willing to sign the papers but Mew knew very well that Gulf won't lift his finger.


Ming calls him all of sudden. He was taken back from Ming's sudden call but looked at him.


"Do you have a kid...?"

Ming asked him. Mew wonder what happened to Ming today. Did he hit his head in the morning?

"Yeah, a five-year-old son, Harry."

"Is he your biological child...?"

Ming bit his lips and asked Mew nervously. Mew frowned at Ming's question. It doesn't matter to him if Harry is a biological child or not. He's Mew's son and no one can change that fact.

"I adopted him."

Ming got silent. He stood from his chair and gave an envelope to him. Mew looked between Ming and that envelope. He took it and opened it.

"Who's pregnancy report is this, Ming?"

Mew asked him in confusion. Ming tried to calm his racing heart.

"Read it, you'll understand."

Mew's knees turned week. Tears fall from his eyes when he saw the sonography and date written on it. It was five years ago picture.

"Don't tell me...this...."

"I was pregnant that time...."

Ming told him. He doesn't know how to react to it more than he thought.

"Where's the baby, Ming...? Did you abort....."


Ming yelled back. He could never think of aborting Harry in past. Mew felt relief.

"Then where's our baby....?"

Mew asked in happiness. Ming bit his lips and tried to hold his tears. They both were a mess.

"Ain't you gonna ask the name of our son..?"

Ming asked him. Mew holds Ming's both hands and looked at Ming with hope. He can't believe that he's father.

"What's our son's name...?!"

He asked curiously. Ming smiled gently and replies.

"Harry Suppasit..."

Mew froze in his place. He can't believe his ears. Mew felt dizzy from all this he hold Ming's hand tightly and was going to fall but Ming holds him back. Mew faints in Ming's arms.


Mew felt a weight on his chest and when he turned around he saw Ming sleeping on him like a cat.

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