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Another Person's POV

Ming felt horrible when he opened his eyes. His whole body was feeling sweaty and gross. He wants to move around but he felt quite weak.

He looked around and blinked a while after realizing that he was in his resting room. He woke up and sat down.

He remembers dozing off on the couch but after that who brings him here. He doesn't remember anything. His mind becomes cloudy after all this.

Mew came to the room with some fresh clothes for Ming.

"What are you doing here....?"

Ming asked him. Mew frowned at Ming's question. He sighed and put Ming's clothes on the bed.

"Where I should be than here...?"

"Umm... With your husband who's waiting patiently for you at home maybe."

Ming said while scratching his nape. He thought he'll see happiness in Mew's eyes from the mention of the Gulf but there wasn't any which confused Ming.

Mew didn't say anything after that and again the room was filled with both their silence and loud thoughts running in mind about each other.

"I'll go and get a shower. Thanks by the way....."

"You said what!!!"

"I said, I'll go and....."

"No, after that.."

"Ummm... Thanks...."

Mew was stunned by Ming's behavior. Firstly Ming didn't get jealous of his and Gulf marriage and now he's saying Thanks to him which is not what Ming do.

Is he for real his Ming....sorry... his boss.?

He can't help but wonder in his mind. On the other hand, Ming just looking at him in bewilderment.

What the fuck is wrong with him....?!!!

Ming thought and instead of wasting time he stood from the bed and went to take shower. Mew comes out of his daze when Ming walks away from him.


Harry was waiting outside for Ming to come. He gave Mew his other friend's number whose parents are out of town.



He runs to Ming's arms but frowns when Ming stumbles while holding him. He looked at Ming's face which is a bit pale.

"What happens, baby...?"

"Mama, are you sick...?"

Ming smiled after seeing how observant his son is towards him. He loves the fact that he gave birth to this little bean.

"I was sick before, baby but now Mama is fine."

Ming smiled at him and pecked on his cheeks. Harry then remembers the surprise he had.

"Mama, I have a surprise for you.....!"

He said excitedly. Ming chuckled at his son's antics. They both get into Ming's car. Ming ordered his driver to take them to the near park but Harry stopped him.


"Why baby?"

"We're going to your house, Mama."

Ming was confused that why Harry wants to go home. Harry smirks and cupped Ming's face with his small chubby hands.

"I talked with Daddy and told him that I am going to spend my weekend with my friend Kimmon."

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