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Another Person's POV

Forth and Phana were in Ming's apartment to hang out but Ming was lost in his thoughts. Phana put his hand on his thighs and asked him.

"Is anything wrong with you, Ming?"

Ming sighed loudly and filled his glass full of wine. Forth looked at Phana who's worried like him.

"Ming, how about we just do fun than drinking to lose your stress?"

Phana said to Ming but he shook his head.

"I told Mew that I'll not do those things again, Pha. I am serious about this relationship."

Ming told him. Phana smiled and took the glass from him. Ming turned to him and looked betrayed.

"You have important clients to attend tomorrow."

Phana said. Forth was observing Ming.

"Is it related to Mew?"


"Your stress..."

Ming nods his head. Forth guess was right. Nowadays only Mew could make Ming so happy or so mad.

"What did he do this time....?"

"It isn't him Forth this time. His best friend is becoming a pain in the ass."

Ming growl and rest his head on Phana's shoulder. Phana caress his nape.

"Ming, It shouldn't bother you if Mew loves you...." Phana said but Ming scoffed.

"That's the main issue. He does love me and show his affection but I hate that Gulf. I don't want him to be around my boyfriend. Why can't Mew see the way that bitch looks at him? I can't tell Mew because I don't want to look bad in front of him or a bitch who's trying to break his friendship...."

Ming rant his thoughts in front of his best friends. Forth sighed and tried to understand what Ming will do.

"Ming, what are going to do then...?"

"I will make sure that Gulf image would tarnish in front of my Mew. He should feel ashamed."

"That's not good, Ming..."

Phana told him but Ming sat straight and looked at both of them.

"I am not doing anything bad just making sure that Gulf stays away from Mew on his own."

Ming said and Forth looked at him in disbelief.

"We care for you, Ming. Think about the consequences before implying anything."

Forth suggest him and Ming nods his head in response.


Gulf was looking at Ming who was drinking quietly. Ming turned to him and gave his alluring smile. Gulf blush when he saw Ming's lips curves beautifully.

"You look beautiful, no wonder Mew loves you..."

Gulf said. Ming felt happy from inside but then Gulf snatched his happiness.

"But I can't say much about your personality."

Ming didn't lose his composure. He ordered a drink for Gulf and gave it to him.

"Are you trying to drug me...?"

Gulf mocked him and Ming took a sip from Gulf drink. He sighed and pushed that drink to Ming and took another one.

He gulped down the shot and Ming smirked at him. He stares at Gulf who's drinking more.

"People are right, Alcohol is bad."

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