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Another Person's POV

Harry was munching his chocolate in Ming's laps. He stopped eating and looked at Ming who was so engulfed in his thoughts.


"Hmm, baby.."

"Uncle Gulf was going to hit me, yesterday."

"He did what....!!!"

Ming snapped out of his thoughts when he heard Harry. He clenches his jaw to not curse in front of his baby. How could that bitch hit his baby...??!!

"Did your Daddy let him hit you....?!!"

Ming asked him nervously. If Mew let that happen then he won't take a second to take Harry back.

Harry shook his head and rest his back on Ming's chest.

"Daddy scolds, Uncle Gulf. I don't want to stay there Mama..."

Harry said with his puppy eyes. Ming doesn't want Harry to stay there too but he's scared that what if again he does some dumb shit. He loves Harry more than anything in the world.

"Baby but then your Daddy going to miss you."

Harry looks down. He loves his Daddy and can't stay far from him. Then his eyes got bright. He looked at Ming and said excitedly.

"Then, how about we all live together. You, me, and Daddy..... Mama."

Ming froze from Harry's innocent words which pierced his heart. Maybe they would if Ming wasn't a jerk in past.

"Baby, we can't stay together because your Daddy loves Uncle Gulf and your Mama is happy seeing him from far."

Ming pats his head. Harry pouts and shook his head in stubbornness. Harry sighed and order some ice cream to change his mood.

Ming sends Harry back to his school and gets into his car to drive back to the company.

He sighed when he comes out of the car. He remembers the last time he was here as the company President.

Ming took a deep breath and walked into the company. Everyone's mouth was wide open seeing their old Boss back.

The receptionists walked to Ming and stopped him. Ming frown and turned to her. She blushes from Ming's gaze but carries her duty.

"You should have an appointment to get inside."

Ming smirk and looked at her from head to toe. He didn't see her before which mean she was new in the company.

"Do I look like someone who needs permission to get into this company to you, lady.....?"

She felt her heartbeat fast when Ming calls her lady.


Ming took out his ID and gave it to her. She looked at him in horror.


"I am impressed by your work. Keep it up."

Ming pats her shoulder and walked into the V.I.P elevator. He comes out and heads to the conference hall. He was hit with different nostalgia.

He close his eyes and tried to calm himself. He's enough for all these old hags after his company.

He opened the door and everything got quiet. There was pin-drop silence everywhere. Ming smirked but then his eyes landed on the man looking at him.


He whispers but composed himself. He's not his boyfriend anymore. Mew's married to the person he loves and Ming should respect that but he can't.

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