I Like You More-2

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Another Person's POV

Harry was waiting outside with his Grandma and Aunt. His Uncle Phana and Uncle Forth were also present there. He was patiently waiting for that big door to get open.

His Grandma gave him a juice to drink. He took it happily. When he was slurping his juice finally doctor come out and announced.

"Mr. Daichpanaya and Baby, both are healthy.... Congratulations It's a baby girl."

Harry looked blankly at the doctor. He can't believe his ears. He's a big brother now. He can't wait to see his Nong.

He saw happy tears in everyone's eyes. Harry never understood why people need to cry when they are happy.

"Granny, Can we see Mama now..?"

"We'll soon baby.."

She ruffles her grandson's hair. Harry nods his head excitedly but then he felt an urge to pee.

He told his Uncle Forth that he was going washroom. Forth told him to ve careful.

Harry is seven now which means in his eyes he's old enough to find the washroom alone but he doesn't need to find it because his Aunt already showed him a while ago.

Harry comes out of the washroom after doing his business. When he was walking back he saw a boy who looks older than him but Harry saw something different in his eyes.

He saw pain, grief, and guilt. Harry wasn't unaware of the meaning of these words. Ming thought that Harry should learn the emotions. He doesn't want his son to go through the same way as him.

Harry was staring at that boy. He noticed the clothes that the boy was wearing.

He remembers seeing kids in the orphanage. He walks closer to that boy.

He took out his hankey and offered it to that boy.


His voice came out like a whisper but Harry found it gentle. He sat down beside that boy.

"Myself, Harry Suppasit. I just turned seven this year. What about you?" Harry asked him with his faint smile.

"Um.... I am Edward and I am three years older than you."

He introduced himself. Harry nods his head then holds that boy's hand. Edward blinks and looked at Harry.

"Mama always tells my Daddy whenever he's stressed or worried about something that sometimes we can't find a solution but sharing might help us to feel better and then we can find the solution together."

Edward smiled faintly and ruffles Harry's hair.

"Harry, there's no solution to my problem. My parents died in the car crash and my grandma fells ill. She doesn't want me to be a part of the family anymore. She thinks I am nothing more than a nuisance."

He shared it with Harry who's looking at me all the time.

"Come with me."


"I'll tell you later."

Harry said and dragged Edward with him. He was confused about where does Harry taking him.

Forth and Phana turned to Harry who's holding Edward's hands.

"Your Daddy and Mama waiting for you, Harry. Come with me." 

Forth said. Harry smiled and followed Forth but didn't leave Edward even for a second. Phana was looking at both boys.

Everyone thinks that Harry is more like Mew but from Phana's point of view, Harry just knows when to be calm and then senseless.

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